Growing all your own vegetables can pay off in a big way- health and money wise! You’ll most definitely save money on the items you buy the most, and making fewer trips to the grocery store will cut your gas bill down. Plus, if you grow at home you know what chemicals (if any) are used on your food. It’s a win-win, but starting out can be expensive if you don’t do it right. Try these tips to keep costs on your vegetable garden down this year.
Start with what you eat the most
If you want to see savings immediately, start growing the vegetables you eat the most of. There’s no point in wasting time and money on growing beets if your family doesn’t eat them, but growing carrots can help save lots if your family is a fan of the orange veggies. Make a list of the 10 vegetables you eat the most and start with those. If you’re new to gardening, definitely don’t go more than 10 veggies at once. You don’t want all your food to die- taking money to the garbage with it.
Grow from seeds
Make planters out of old milk jugs, coke bottles, and any other small containers you have lying around and grow from seeds. Seeds are cheaper than plants, but you can also use seeds and roots from the foods you have bought it if they are in good shape. Take some dirt from outside instead of buying it, place it in your reusable container, plant your seeds or roots, cover with used coffee grounds and maybe some homemade compost, cover with dirt, water, and place in the sun. This will have your veggies growing in no time and for little to nothing on cost.
Learn about your vegetables
After you have made your list for vegetables to grow, make sure you know all about them before trying to grow them. If you try to plant cucumbers, for example, and don’t know how to grow them, then you are wasting money and your plants will die before they can bring you any “fruits” for your labor. Learning about your plants can be easy of you use seeds, because the info to plant and grow will be on the packages. Keep those packets and research veggies you use from whole foods and roots to plant them correctly.
Do you grow vegetables? What vegetables do you grow? Leave us a comment and let us know!
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