Saving money can be difficult, especially when you have a lot of expenses eating away at your budget. Paying bills, putting gas in the car and buying groceries are all expenses that probably won’t go away any time soon. Although you cannot get rid of these expenses, you can do your part to reduce the amount you spend, particularly in the grocery department. If you’d like to reduce your grocery bill so you have a little extra cash in the budget, just follow these grocery savings tips.
Buy in Bulk
Buying in bulk is a great way to save on groceries. Buying your favorite cereal in larger bags or buying your coffee in bulk can help reduce your weekly grocery costs since post likely you won’t need to make these purchases as often. Although buying in bulk can help you save money, you also need to exercise caution and self-control. Just because you can buy a lifetime supply of spaghetti sauce doesn’t mean you should buy it, especially if you’re not a fan of spaghetti. Only buy in bulk what you know you’ll use often.
Take It Easy on Produce
Every grocery list should include at least a few fruits and vegetables, but buying fresh produce can get costly. In order to help save on these costs, you might want to take it easy on the amount of fruits and vegetables you buy. Limit your produce purchases to fruits and veggies you know you’ll eat within the week. Fresh produce can go bad fast, and throwing out rubbery celery is like throwing out cash. Another great tip when it comes to produce is to buy only the fruits and vegetables that are in-season. As a rule, these cost less than out-of-season produce, so purchasing these will help save money.
Clip Coupons
Any frugal shopper will tell you that a great way to save on groceries is to clip coupons. Before you go to the grocery store, make a list of what you need to buy on your shopping trip. After your list is made, do some online research and see if you can find coupons for those items. This process helps you save on each of your items and can help keep you from over-couponing (buying items you don’t need just because you have a coupon). Some grocery stores even have mobile coupon and rewards programs available, which makes it even easier to do this.
Follow the Sales
Having a favorite grocery store is great, but you don’t always need to shop there for everything. Instead of blindly shopping at the same store for everything, keep an eye out for different stores and sales. Going to these other stores can help you stock up on the same household staples for less. This will save you a lot on your grocery bill.
What are your grocery saving tips? Leave me a comment and let me know!
The best tip for us is produce. We buy ours at the local farmer stand. I can get a huge basket for $15. Yesterday I got 10 zucchini, 10 squash, 2 huge broccoli stalks, 2 apples and spring onions.
I make a lot of green smoothies, and I have switched to buying a lot of my fruits/veggies frozen. They are cheaper and they last longer.
These are great tips! I also like to ask if they offer sales if you buy by the case to split it with a family friend
Fantastic tips!!
I am always amazed by the savings I see when I buy in bulk!
I love couponing! It’s FREE money. I can’t see going back to paying full price for everything.
These are all very solid tips for saving money. My husband is the king at buying groceries in our house.
I admit that my produce sometimes goes bad before I get to it. It’s hard when you’re the only one in the house to get through all the food though.
Definitely meal planning! We save so much money when we go in with a list of meals and only buy for those foods.
These are all great tips. I try to follow the produce one, because one too many times we have had to throw out veggies.
I am starting to coupon, and am finding it quite easy!
Great tips. I have been spending way too much on groceries lately I need to start paying more attention
Great tips, I will keep this in mind!
Great tips! Buying in bulk is tempting, but you’re right, it’s just a waste of space and money if the items never get used. And I need to get better at clipping coupons.
We shop weekly for meals because I like to cook w/ produce and fruit.
We got a Sam’s Club membership and having been buying some things in bulk (like cereal and snack stuff) and I do notice my normal trips to the grocery store are less. Plus, those bigger boxes mean I have less room in the cabinets, so we have to use what we have first before we buy more.
We have a Costco and Sams membership and wish they had more coupons for organic food
I am lucky that there is a discount grocer around the corner from me with awesome produce prices… which is good because my fussy daughter will only eat fresh raw fruits & veggies.
I have 3 freezers in my house just so I can buy meat in bulk!
Buying in bulk is definitely a great way to save money. I also price match and it saves us a lot.
The bulk of my groceries every week is produce. It’s the cornerstone of our diet. Sadly there aren’t many coupons for the things we consume but we keep an eye out for specials and do buy what we can in bulk, though that tends to mostly be household goods. Every little saving helps though.