Yeah I know it isn’t Spring any more. I just have to look at the thermostat that says it is 100 degrees here to know that. But if you did do some Spring cleaning (I got it about half done!) then you are at the point where you are trying to keep up with it! I was excited that Comet sent us this great caddy of goodies …
Included are there Stainless Steel cleaning products. Maybe you are lucky enough to have stainless steel appliance or maybe you are like us and are replacing yours as they die. So we are at the point of having a stainless steel dishwasher and fridge. (I guess that means the stove is next!) I love the stainless steel. It is better than the almond color that went out of style the day after it was installed for sure! The problem with stainless steel is that I have 30 little fingers that like to touch EVERYTHING! Plus they touch everything when their hands are nasty with cupcakes or tomatoes or whatever they managed to just make a mess with at that moment. I have tried a number of stainless steel cleaning ideas online (the last one I tried was Olive Oil … why did I think that would work?!) This is what happened …
I was happy to try the spray on the fridge and ended up with this …. ta-da!
How pretty! Just like the day it showed up! The spray was really easy to use. I will say to keep using paper towels to wipe it off … you shouldn’t keep using a wet paper towel! With that tip, you can use this spray to end up with a pretty fridge … or dishwasher … or stove … or whatever you have too! The caddy is going to come in very handy as I run cleaning stuff around the house to try to get it all clean before Matthew’s 3rd birthday party. ack! At least I will have pretty appliances when everyone shows! 😉
Now for the exciting part … we get to giveaway a caddy to one of our readers! The prize caddy will contain: new line of Comet Stainless Steel cleaners, stylish cleaning essentials, 3 coupons to share with friends and a $25 gift card to help make a kitchen shiny and fresh.

My stove!
my fridge is stainless and so is my dishwasher!
My stove, microwave & refrigerator are all stainless!!
My stove and toaster oven. Thanks!
I have a good bit of stainless steel in my kitchen. The hardest to keep clean are the smaller appliances and the trash can.
The fridge is stainless steel.
I don’t have any stainless but looks like a great line
Our dishwasher is stainless and stays so dirty from the kids. My BIL asked “WHAT is wrong with it!?” I simply answered “kids.” LOL
Then I offered to let him clean it.
dishwasher and refrigerator
my stove
mneuhouser at gmail dot com
the fridge is stainless steel
just the kitchen sink
toaster oven
My kitchen sink!
Our kitchen sink and toaster oven
My fridge, microwave & keurig