Do you have some scars you don’t love? I think we all do. I know I have a nice scar on my face from a childhood episode of chicken pox. Our little Sophie has a scar on her cheek from a scratch this past winter. We have given the scar on her face time to heal but it still there and red. I don’t want to her to grumble over having it there when she gets older. At the same time, I still wonder if we should have had it stitched up but that decision was made and done so no use fretting over that.
I have started to do some research on how to reduce the scar on her face but I wanted something natural since she is only 4 years old. My mom suggested vitamin E oil so I checked that out first. I had a friend suggest helichrysum essential oil so I looked that up too. They both list scar tissue reduction on their benefits. For both oils, you just rub them over the scar and the oil absorbs into the skin. You keep applying the oil to the scar on a daily or multiple times a day. The helichrysum essential oil notes that he helps build stimulates production of new cells which would help reduce the scar over time. I am still trying to decide which oil to use but I know that now is the time to decide since the scar is still red and in the healing stage.
Do you have a scar that you want to disappear? What has worked for you? Leave us a comment and let us know!
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