We are excited to provide this review of the complementary copy of Math for Grownups we received.
Math for Grownups
Details …
Ever wish you’d paid more attention in math class? From third grade to senior year of high school, it went in one ear and out the other, didn’t it?
But now you’re staring at the new washer and dryer, trying to figure out the percentage of sales tax on the purchase price. You multiply something by something, right? Or you’re scratching your head, wondering how to compute the odds that your football team will take next Sunday’s game. You’re pretty sure that involved ratios. The problem is, you can’t quite remember.
Here you get an adult refresher and real-life context–with examples ranging from how to figure out how many shingles it takes to re-roof the garage to the formula for resizing Mom’s tomato sauce recipe for your entire family.
Forget higher calculus–you just need an open mind. And with this practical guide, math can stop being scary and start being useful.
Our Thoughts …
We were excited to bring you a guest post by author Laura Laing on the topic of The Arithmetic of Allowance. Math for Grownups is an easy read and makes you feel like you actually can do math … you know why though, because you can and you already do every day! We do so much math every day and we don’t even notice that we use fractions, work out formulas, or multiple in our heads. Now I will be the first to admit that I am horrible at math. Sure I got good grades in math class and needed math for my degree but it is not my love for sure. I am the first to whip out a calculator while Brian sits here and does the math faster in his head. (He is a dork like that!) Anyway, I know I do math all of the time but it nice to see math in this non-scary approach. Check it out and I bet you will how much math you use and can use in your daily routine!
You can find this book on Amazon for $10.08 right now! Oh and you can get the Kindle ebook version for Free right now on Amazon!
I am excited to share we get offer this book to one of our readers!
This drawing will end Thursday, September 22nd at 11:59pm EST. The winner will have 48 hours to reply with their address. You must include your email address in the comment form so you can be contacted if you are a winner! You must complete the Mandatory Entry for the additional entries to count.
This giveaway is open to US residents!!!
So how do you enter?
Mandatory Entry: What math do you do every day?
Additional Entries:
1) Follow us on Facebook HERE. Worth two entries so leave two comments here! (Psst … we love comments on Facebook so maybe you can leave us one!)
2) Follow SimplyBudgeted on Twitter. Leave a comment with your twitter name.
3) Tweet about this giveaway with this tweet:
RT #Win a copy of Math for Grownups @simplybudgeted http://bit.ly/qXGvI8 #giveaway #book #math ends 9/22
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NOTE: A review copy of this book was received to support this review. No other compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
The math I usually do involves my bills or figuring percentages off when im shopping 🙂
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Adding when i go shopping, sometimes percentages when I have to tip.
I calculate how much money is left in my budget for xyz that week.
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I use math to figure out how much money I’m saving when I use coupons to go shopping.
Thanks for the giveaway!
The math I use daily is paying my bills and shopping.
[email protected]
I use it at work for daily sales.
I use math a lot in baking.
Besides the usual “life” math, I homeschool my kids. My oldest in now in 7th grade and doing pre-algebra, and I’m getting scared! I had a difficult time with math in school and it’s coming back to haunt me!
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Everyday math in my world: telling time, calculating miles per gallon, figuring percentages of discounts on items, and tracking weight loss!
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FB follower – liz t. n.
I help with kids homework after school so lately I have been doing a lot of fractions and addition/subtraction.
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I measure out ingredients while cooking literally every day!
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I follow you on Twitter as Pilgrim86
The math I do everyday is try to figure out how many hours of sleep I will get if I got to sleep at a certain hour.
addition in my check book and sadly subtraction too
vmkids3 at msn dot com
basic math like addition and subtraction as well as measurements for sewing, dividing and multiplying for cooking etc. [email protected]
followed you on fb jessie taylor goodwin,[email protected]
I followed you on fb jessie taylor goodwin,[email protected]
The math I do everyday involves measurements when I cook or figuring discounts when I shop.
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I frequently have to do drug calculations in my job as a nurse… I don’t even balance my own checkbook anymore (thanks Quicken)!
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I measure when I cook or bake
I like you on Facebook as Elena Istomina
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I frequently find myself using math when I’m cooking and baking (more so with the baking, though.. it’s like chemistry!).
I have to count how many brain cells I have left after listening to kids music all day.
Cooking involves math
at the grocery store, of course! I always want the best deal!
I do math daily with shopping, bills, and with the kids and at work.
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I pay the bills!
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I do math when I do my checkbook or when I”m baking.
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I do math everyday when I go to the grocery store – adding prices, calculating best deals, etc.
either paying bills or figuring out how much I will spend after couponing
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