As the look of Simply Budgeted changes here, you will see a new name on posts. Brian. He isn’t a stranger though. He is my husband. He is also the chef in our house so he will taking over the recipe area and helping add content to the new Simply Food area here! Not only is he our family chef, he is a stay-at-home dad with some crazy parenting and kids stories to share. I am sure you will see him in other areas of the blog too so as you see him post, add a comment!;) You should start seeing posts from Brian this week as I nag him to get a few up!
Oh and I will continue to sign off posts I write as Beth and I will make a sign off for him that says Brian so if you ever wonder who posts what craziness, read until the bottom to find out!;)
Now a few words from Brian …

Hey everyone–
I am excited to start working with Beth on “her little project.” Like Beth said, I’m a stay-at-home dad. I have been since the birth of our oldest, Grace, who is going on 5. I’ve spent a lot of time working with my own and other kids in various programs, while working on my degree in education, and while running a preschool out of our home. I have a degree in finance and hope to make those skills more understandable to the everyday reader. I also served in the Army as an Infantryman, so I have a no nonsense style that breaks things down to the simplest level.
As we move forward, I am going to concentrate on what I know best, cooking and kids. I’m certainly no chef, but I have all sorts of little tricks that I use to help the family eat well and eat healthily on a budget. There’s no reason that you can’t eat a fancy meal at home on the cheap. The biggest obstacle that I will have to overcome is actually writing down my recipes. So if you see a picture of something that you would like a recipe for, please comment or email and I’ll try to put something together. I also hope to offer simple parenting tips and ideas to keep those kids busy and learning.
I am here for you all. If you have questions or want to know more about something, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you all soon.
Beth and Brian
Yay! Can’t wait to check out some new recipes. By the way, I like the new blog design!
Brian, I am looking forward to your contributions. I want to see what a man cooks for the family….should give me some different ideas for meals. We seem to eat nearly the same thing over and over again. Variety would be good from someone’s point of view.