What is the purpose of Wednesday Randoms? Well honestly there isn’t one besides to share something random.
Maybe your child did something new, maybe you baked something yesterday, maybe you are behind at work, maybe you got in your work out today or maybe you didn’t. Anything is game. Well anything that is appropriate. If it isn’t appropriate, I will delete it.
Here are mine …
- We just got back from Cirque du Soilel show here in town. So amazing. My review will post tomorrow hopefully!
- We have a new van … and a car payment to go with it. It is lovely though. More to come on that too.
- I am ready for Spring. It got cold here again. Like winter coat cold. I was enjoying jacket weather not coat weather. My coat needs cleaned something horrible yet I refuse to give it up yet … aye.
- I ordered mulch today so that at least felt spring like. It better warm up by April 15th with mulch spreading duty starts because I know I am expected to help in that effort!=P
I really hope some of you leave a comment with your feedback to my questions/thoughts and maybe your own randoms this week. I would love some input!