Balance Ball “moves” have many names (or no name) and variations. I realized this after doing some research this week. So I will need to figure out another plan for sharing Balance Ball stuff. For this week though, go HERE to watch a video on how to the “Ball Pass” Move with your Balance Ball. This move really works your abs and coordination. It might not feel like you are doing much but you will feel it later if you do it right! If you give this move a try, let me know!
This week was week one of the nutrition plan. Well I start my weeks on Fridays still and the 90 day nutrition plan started on Monday. As of Friday, I was down 1 lb. Not much but I will take it. I got in four cardio Balance Ball work outs (30 minutes) and one 30 minute stationary bike ride last week. It felt good to move that much.
Last night when we took the kids trick-or treating one the neighbors stopped me and said “you look great, you have lost a lot of weight.” I smiled and said thank you. I lied. Since the start of the year I have lost the same 5 lbs over and over and over again. I HAVE dropped 2-3 sizes though so accept the comment I have lost weight with a smile these days. She then asked if I did Weight Watchers and I said no. So she asked how I did it. I told her I got active and started watching what I ate. As we walked it struck me as funny as something THAT simple seemed so foreign to people but thinking about it THAT is the exact issue we have as a society. So my take away is to take credit for you do. It is “All Me” that has done this so far. Make it “All You”!
This week will be a big challenge because I leave tomorrow for Florida for a work conference and I don’t return until Sunday. I should get in lots of walking and hope to get some gym time too. I am aiming for staying close to the nutrition plan we are working on but I know it will a big challenge.
What’s up with the blueberry water?
It is how I have increased my water drinking the past few weeks. I received a copy of The Family Dinner to review (review is scheduled soon so watch for it.) In it the author recommends putting fruit in your kids’ water to encourage them drink it. What is good for kids must work for me too, right? Well I gave it a try and I am addicted. We have a huge stash of frozen blueberries but they are pretty cost effective to buy too if you don’t have a stash like us. Drop 4-8 blueberries in your glass and fill it up with water. Once you drink the water you can enjoy the blueberries. Don’t try to steal them out like my kids do … wait! I find I can get two glasses out of the 4-8 blueberries I drop in my glass. I love my “colored” water too. Who, doesn’t like purple water? =P Other fruits recommended are … any berries, the typical lemon (you must be tired of that like I am though!), lime, and orange rounds.
If you try this, let me know how it works for you. Maybe it is a good water drinking tip for you too! Cheers!
Your purple water is oh, so cool! lol Never thought about putting blueberries in my water, but will definitely try it the next time I buy some! Have a good week! Enjoyed reading your post!
I think I am loving the water idea…. I make flavored water for my girls. I use clear, sugar free cool-aid mix and use about 1/4 the amount I would need to to make regular flavor, but I like the fruit idea better. Tomorrow is grocery day so we'll see how it goes!
Good luck with the conference this week! Looking forward to hearing how it goes!
thanks for the great idea with blueberries and for the buddy idea system awesome looking forward to working with you to creating a plan for that. its the best when you get compliments, it always seems i get them when im not even trying to lose much others just notice the difference .
Wow!! Thanks for the shout out! Are you going to do that every week?
Awesome job on the balance ball stuff and getting so much in. I want to try that move. Maybe I'll do that at the gym when I go this week. A pound is great, by the way. Not small at all!
Sounds like you're doing well! Glad I have you in my corner this week!! I actually do feel more motivated to be accountable to myself and YOU this week!
I like pears in mine, sometimes and mint is also good. Dropping clothing sizes is exciting! Even better is someone noticing. Can't wait to try your balancing ball stuff.
@mnmspecial – mint leaves or a piece of mint? I am interested in this as I love mint!
@greta – I hope to pick a sista every week … but Lorrie has me thinking so we will see where this goes!=P
OH and I should add. I generally use my blueberries frozen and just let them thaw in my water!=)
Cucumbers are also delicious in water! Very refreshing and spa-like.
Weight is just a number when you can see your other metrics like clothing size. Good job. Have a good time sticking to your healthy living while in FL. You are becoming a pro at it.
Blueberry water sounds so good! So simple, but I have never thought about it. I am totally going to try it.
If you are down sizes, then don't worry about the scale girl!! You are obviously rockin out!
Work traveling is SO hard on me and my eating. I start traveling a lot again this next week and my biggest goal is to be smart about what I eat the WHOLE time. I usually start out good, but then slide towards the end. GOOD LUCK!!!
Great idea with water and "hey, I am with you" on the pounds. But if somebody tells me I lost a lot of weight, I do give myself cookie point for "loosing weight" or just feeling great
I have an extremely hard time drinking enough water and I'm tired of the lemon too! I will definitely be trying frozen berries, especially raspberry (I could easily drink 100oz of raspberry iced tea).
Just think, instead of pounds lost you could be gaining muscle since you mention you've lost 2-3 sizes 🙂 .
I had not thought of blueberries until I read your post! HOLY COW What a GREAT idea!!! I also enjoy Cucumber water like mentioned above… and it is ALL YOU! So proud of you! 🙂