What is the purpose of Wednesday Randoms? Well honestly there isn’t one besides to share something random.
Maybe your child did something new, maybe you baked something yesterday, maybe you are behind at work, maybe you got in your work out today or maybe you didn’t. Anything is game. Well anything that is appropriate. If it isn’t appropriate, I will delete it.
Here are mine …
- I skipped my work out this morning and my husband called me on it. I guess I will suck it up and do it after the kids go to bed tonight.
- The Halloween treats I put together for the preschoolers this morning looked really good. They are not on the nutrition plan. This is going to be so hard!
- I am still behind on homework but have decided this weekend is my weekend for homework. How un-fun. Hopefully I can get caught up some so that I can some what enjoy the business trip to Florida next week! Any suggestions on non-Disney things I can do or places to eat with my mom as she is traveling with me?
Do you have a pumpkin recipe you love? If you do, let me know what it is! A cook your own pumpkin post is coming. I spent the whole freakin’ weekend cooking up pumpkins and I remembered to take pictures. If you pass off a recipe that I love, I will give credit!;)