It is Mamavation Monday time again!Last week I continued my traveling adventures in my back-to-back trips. It was not a good thing for my plan to watch what I was eating. I did get a really good oatmeal breakfast one day and ate an very good vegetarian restaurant for lunch another day. I need to keep those meal choices up when I am on the road! I also did a fare amount of walking too. I realized I miss walking to places. Living in the middle of no where means that we drive everywhere. I need to figure out the walking thing as I really enjoy that.
This week I leave tomorrow and am not back until Friday. I am trying to figure out my eating plans but I am going to place I have never been. I also don’t know if I will be eating with the folks I am meeting with or if I will be on my own. (I admit I actually like eating on my own instead of with people that I don’t really know.) We will see how I do this week.
After all of my travels, I was up 2 lbs. At one point, I know I was up much more and I really checked what I was eating again when I got home last week. That made me realize that watching what I eat is a big deal and really does help me. So I am going to try to keep on top of that!
I am still looking for vegan and vegetarian recipes. If you have any you want to share, let me know!
you can do it just find ways to work fitness into your vacation time also try to find the healthy places to eat or cut your meal in half and take home half for later
You have got this! Bring some healthy snacks with so you have a back up plan incase your options are limited. Lorrie makes a good point of cutting a meal in half if it isn't the best choice. And always travel with a large bottle of water. Good luck this week!
Can't wait to see who applies and wins the Mamavation Mom titles!!
I like eating alone too! So funny.
If you get any recipes, can you post? I really need to start cooking and eating more whole foods!!
I was a vegetarian for 10 years and now consider myself a flexitarian. My fave cookbooks are my Hare Krishna cookbook, my collection of Moosewood cookbooks, and Bryant Terry books. Follow Mollie Katzen on twitter and look at her website as a whole food advocate (and original author for Moosewood) http://twitter.com/molliekatzen
I wish I had more place to "walk" to as well. I live in the middle of nowhere. Not fun to walk. I am just starting Mamavation in an effort to be more fit and healthy.
traveling can definitely mess with your routines for eating right and exercising. I'm sure you will get back on track with those goals you've set. You can do it!
Traveling and eating healthy are so challenging. One thing you might try is research the area you will be staying and see what the eating options are, or if there is a market nearby to get some fresh fruit to munch on during the day.
Good luck! It's amazing how much we can be on auto pilot when it comes to eating.