I am so excited to announce this new series! Why is Simply Budgeted Wedding Series coming to Simply Living on a Budget?
First …
my little sister, who isn’t so little any more, is getting married! Eight years of dating and she now engaged!
And of course, she is planning her wedding on a budget. Go figure! 😉
Second …
back in the day, yeah it was pre-kids, I had a wedding planning business. I loved it. It was small as I still had my full time job but I loved it. My obsessive organizing and planning skills were put to the test. Since I was a small … umm, super small business, I had lower prices and worked with budget brides so I got to pass along my budget tips! Maybe the budget tip part is my obsessive compulsive part?
So what is Simply Budgeted Wedding Series going to offer?!
- Tips of course! I know wedding planning tips are a dime a dozen and are every where but the ones my sister has been showing me are honestly not that great. If they aren’t worth my time to post them, I won’t post them so I promise great tips.
- Reviews. Since my sister is buying wedding items, look for reviews. They may even be posted by her so watch for her name, Amy, on the posts!
- Giveaways. I am trying to work on some wedding related giveaways. I think we all know a bride-to-be so even if it isn’t for you, you can find a great bride who would love a giveaway I am sure! Or some of the giveaways may work for a great non-wedding event you are hosting!!
So if you know a bride-to-be, send them over here now as the posting will begin soon!! (Can you tell how excited about combining two of my loves again? If you can’t then, just wait because the excitement is boiling!!)
I just got married this month and the budget is hard to stick to!
Are you going to update this section