I promise I am still here. Posts are coming, reviews and giveaways are coming. I just redid my posting schedule this morning. I am hoping I can keep with it but I have learned that sometimes if something slips, it is fine.
- I am back at taking classes. There was a full three day break between summer sessions. ahhh. My evening time is gone again though.
- The kids are well kids and since I work full time outside the home, they expect me to be there for them when I get home.
- My husband is now a small business owner. Yup. He will be running the preschool that our oldest attended last year and both girls were set to attend this year. It is a perfect fit for his background … business, education, and children. While it was an established preschool, he is starting over when it comes to enrollment. If you are of the praying type, prayers that we can at least break even with this venture would be very helpful. Our budget is tight and this is a big stretch but it felt right. Any extra free time I didn’t have already is going towards this effort (web pages, flyers, etc.) Anyone want to make a snappy logo for him???😉
- Some where in the middle of all that … I am making myself find time for my work outs. This demand on myself does work most days and I am proud I am squeezing this in still.
- Plus I now have added motivation for those work outs as I want to be the hot sister, mom of three at my sister’s upcoming wedding. My sister was proposed to by her loooonnnggg time boyfriend on Saturday. I think I see some “How to plan a wedding on a budget” posts coming soon!;)
Whew! Maybe I should have saved this for my Wednesday Randoms? Oh well. I am sure I will have randomness to share tomorrow!
I tell you all of this so you don’t think I dropped off the side of the Earth. I am still here with two feet on the ground. My head might be spinning but I am getting used to that too!
Thanks, as always for your support. Watch for some great stuff coming soon!!
We started a Christian school many years ago…it now goes from pre school to the 12th grade…prayer can do great things…good luck.