If you were looking around today and stuff kept changing here, I apologize. I had time and finally took the chance to add the third column I have been wanting for some time. My husband asked me why I needed a third column. My answer of “because I want one” wasn’t enough to satisfy him but at the same time he knew I was intent on making that third column.
I had brush off my old-school programming skills and admit that I know jack-squat about xml coding. LOL I have the blog set to a place where I can be ok with it. I am missing the white middle but I haven’t found a good solution to that yet. I will work on that when I have time. Over all my goal is to keep the whole page simple. I know some bloggers have awesome backgrounds and headers all of that but that isn’t me. Right now, if I can’t do it myself for this blog, it isn’t happening. I don’t make money off this blog and have declined opportunities to do so to keep it simple. That being said, I am also not willing to take something out of our personal budget to get new graphics here. Maybe some day all of that will change but for now. Simple is all that you will find here at Simply Living on a Budget.
The one thing I would like to point out is that I added the current giveaways widget to the new left sidebar so check that out! On the note of giveaways, I feel blessed. I am still a newbie at all of this but I have been blessed with some amazing opportunities. I know that most of you have found me (and probably stuck around) for the giveaways and that is ok. I hope you still read my tips that I pass along. I have to say, those are my favorite comments to read! That being said, more giveaways are coming. I don’t know how long I will keep up this pace of lots of giveaways at once. I might scale it back at some point but I hope to keep the reviews and giveaways coming as long as I get the offers and can support them.
Let me know what you think. I love the feedback. This blog is still as simple as it is because of early feedback I got so keep it coming. Enjoy that third column … or just tell me you do because it will make me feel good about my great … errr, lacking but some what ok programming skills! LOL
Keep enjoying!
Congrats on the third column.. It does give one more space to play with:-)