Is your budget a budget of necessity or a budget of convenience? With a budget of necessity, you are down to what you need. You may be paying off debt. You may be adding to your savings. You aren't buying extras such a dinner out or hitting up a sale to look for new shoes for … [Read more...]
Waterpik SinuSense: Natural Remedy for Spring Allergies
We were recently asked to try out the Waterpik SinuSense. To be honest, we weren't sure about this product when we received it. We use nose spray from time to time but that is honestly about it. Beth suffers a lot from allergies (year round, not just in the Spring) so I had her … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Mushroom Risotto
Risotto is one of those yummy, comforting dishes that seems so fancy that you have to go to a nice Italian restaurant to get it. Just like so many comfort foods, however, risotto started out in the homes of Italian grandmothers. Basically, it consists of oil, rice, broth, and … [Read more...]
Waterpik: Flossing without the Pain
We were recently asked to try out the Waterpik. Since my one comment every dentist visit is to floss more, I figured it was worth the try. The setup of the Waterpik is really simple. It does require an outlet so be sure to place it next to one and not across the counter from your … [Read more...]
Well, it was a good plan!
If you've paid much attention to our blog this year, you know that Beth and I challenged ourselves with a pretty specific diet plan this year. We started off going vegan for six weeks, including a three-week detox, and planned to follow that up with six weeks on a vegetarian … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Macaroni and Cheese
Having a meatless meal does not mean sacrificing comfort. Macaroni and Cheese is one of those meals that takes just about everyone back to some point in their childhood. Unfortunately, as a nation, we have taken to using those electric orange yellow powder packages of cheese … [Read more...]
Spring Project Time!
As Spring approaches, it's time to get thinking about those outdoor Spring projects. Spring is a great time to get some work done outdoors because it isn't so hot that you're killing yourself getting the work done and it isn't so cold that your fingers are freezing. Plus, you … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Baked Potatoes
Ok, so I know that we did Twice Baked Potatoes last week, but potatoes are a great multipurpose staple, and, if you shop on a budget like us, you are likely to buy them in 5-10 pound bags. Potatoes keep for a while, but not indefinitely, so it's smart to plan a few meals around … [Read more...]
March 2012 Monthly Meal Plan
Our Monthly Meal Plan has kind of become a staple of our budgeting process. Rather than planning for meals from week to week, we put in a little extra time and effort and knock it out right away. It takes a little discipline, but sticking to the plan can keep costs down and … [Read more...]
Wholly Guacamole and Garden of Eatin’
Last Wednesday, I had a great mail day. I mean, seriously, what guy would not love to receive a box full of chips, guacamole, and salsa on his doorstep? I was excited as I opened up the box to find packages of my favorite guacamole, some salsa, and a bag of chips to go with. I … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Twice Baked Potatoes
Sometimes going meatless doesn't mean doing anything particularly fancy or outside of the box. It can mean taking a basic, well-loved recipe and simply removing a small part of it. This is what we did this week with twice-baked potatoes. Usually, when we make these, we include … [Read more...]
Relay for Life® Luminaria (Sponsored Video)
What is Relay for Life? Overnight relay-style event Teams of people camp out around a track Members of each team take turns walking around the track for the duration of the event Food, games and activities provide entertainment and fundraising … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Vegetable Minestrone
Some days you just know that Monday night is going to be a little rough. That's when the good old slow cooker is worth its weight in gold! So this Monday, we've pulled out our trusty copy of Fix-It and Forget-It Lightly and have made a Vegetable Minestrone. The thing that … [Read more...]
Meatless Monday: Stuffed Peppers
Finally, the hardest part of our journey comes to an end. Our six-week vegan diet period is over, but we still have another six weeks of vegetarian fare ahead of us. When we say vegetarian, we are including honey and dairy products (including eggs) in our diet, but all flesh … [Read more...]
Playdate Planet
In our seemingly endless stream of emails, we recently found Playdate Planet. As a stay-at-home dad of three kids, playdates are a nice treat for the kids and for me. I have to admit that it is even better if I can pawn two of them off at a time but any break from all three of … [Read more...]
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