While I am not versed in poetry or a poet myself, I do love to find a nice poem. I also love simple quotes. Maya Angelou has lovely quotes.
I took this picture of our girls waiting for the bus on Tuesday. Brian put this bench under the tree so he could sit there and wait for the girls to get off the bus. It was rare for them to go sit before the bus came. Grace went over to the bench first and then Sophie joined her. They are so different but so much the same. They fight with each like the best of them but they also love each other. Sisterness is special and I am happy that they get to experience it. When they are around and not being down right horrible to each other, you definitely feel the sisterness just as Maya Angelou said.
May we take lessons learned from Maya Angelou writings and quotes and continue to write and express ourselves. We have freedoms to just that and that alone is amazing.
Do you have a sister or a sibling? Does sisterness have to be a blood relative? Leave me a comment and let me know how you see sisterness.
I am very close with my sister and I honestly don’t know where I Would be without her.
No, sisterness doesn’t need to be among blood relatives. It is the relationship that matters.
I do have 2 sisters; I love this quote. But no, I don’t feel you have to be blood relatives to feel that sisterness. Sometimes a friend comes along that brings out the sisterness in both of you.
I have been blessed with one baby sister but I wouldn’t trade her for anything!
Even if she was a brat when we were growing up!
Now some of my close girlfriends are classified as sisters but there will only ever be one!
I have four brothers and a sister. I don’t think blood matters at all. Both of my daughters are adopted and completely unrelated genetically, but they have a sisterness, too.
My sister and I have a definite sisterness, and this is making me miss her even more!
My sister in law and I are fairly close I’d like to think. I have no siblings and she is the closest I have to a real sister!
I do have a sister, but, I will say, being an Army wife, I’ve met many more sisters, too. And then, factoring in the internet and what we do? Yup, I like to think of it as having one big huge family (bigger than what I’ve already got here at home with eleventy-billion kids) đŸ˜‰
No, I don’t have any siblings… My daughter is the only girl but my boys will grow up with a brother.
I have a much older sister & a much younger brother, so our sibling dynamic is a little different since none of us really grew up together. Your girls are so adorable though & I hope my boys are close when they are older!
I have a sister and I totally get what she means by a sisterness. Love it!
I have three sisters, but I am only close to one of them. She is ten years older than me, but we are closer than ever. She is definitely one of my best friends!
i wish i was closer with my sisters. it’s hit or miss really
My little sister just graduated high school on Friday. Huge age difference, but still lots of love.
I have a sister and 3 girls and there is certainly something magical about that bond. They fight like lionesses but their love is boundless. Sisterness is beautiful!