I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Sprint. I received product samples to facilitate my review.
For most people, the holidays are a busy time of year. In our house, we add a birthday into the mix. With Thanksgiving, Sophie’s birthday, and Christmas, the planning is tough to begin with. This year, Beth and I added in a couple of trips during the precious weekends on either side of Thanksgiving. Toss in my sister-in-law giving birth a week and a half ago and our schedule is pretty much shot.
When I’m out and about, I feel like I’m constantly on the internet, taking photos, or texting about the kids or gifts or meeting times or…whatever. Did you know that, according to a recent survey, 63% of those surveyed checked their phone at least once an hour? At least I’m in good company! With Beth and I tag-teaming the different events in our lives (Girl Scout meetings and cookie booth organizing, cookie swaps, parades, parties for kids and work, helping out my sister-in-law, etc.), it is pretty much essential that we have reliable phones so that we can keep in touch and, basically, keep ourselves organized.
Well, we have been reviewing Sprint’s LG G2 smartphone over the past few weeks. While the phone is a little bigger than my current phone, I found that the phone’s Slide Aside and QSlide features really helped me to multi-task while on the go. Instead of having to open and close apps, you can quickly switch between 3 open apps. This is a big deal when you are looking up a number or address to share or trying to make sure you get the name of that gift spelled just right.
What I like most is the guest mode. My kids are old enough to want to use the phone, but nowhere near old enough to have one of their own. So they are constantly asking to borrow ours. No big deal except when they start opening up stuff that they shouldn’t be. The guest mode lets you authorize guests to use certain apps while protecting your personal information. Perfect for those down times when the kids have to sit quiet for more than a few minutes!
I do have to say that the image quality is pretty spectacular. I currently own an iPhone 4s and the colors with the LG G2 are markedly more vivid. There’s a big difference! Just take a look for yourself. Both of the pictures below were taken at the same time, in the exact same conditions. The iPhone picture is on top, the LG G2 picture below.

Do you have a tech fan in your life? Is Sprint’s LG G2 on their Christmas wish list? Leave us a comment and let us know what Santa is bringing your loved ones.
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