Dear gosh. Eight dinners?! I can fake my way through breakfast and lunches. I cover those most days for myself and the kids. I am the lunch packin’ queen after all but dinner … dinners are all Brian.
Maybe you caught wind that he is headed to Chile for the Foods from Chile Tour! You will hopefully see daily updates over at This Cookin’ Dad so be sure to subscribe over there!
Anyway to plan for this week, Brian asked me to meal plan out this week so he could shop for dinner meals. With Easter at the end of last month, it threw off our monthly meal plan efforts so we have been on a weekly meal plan. So I gave Brian my shopping list based off this meal plan …
Sunday – Taco Salad
Monday – Mac & Cheese (homemade of course!)
Tuesday – Chicken and Rice
Wednesday – Breakfast for dinner
Thursday – Salad
Friday – I will shop for meals for Friday – Thursday so watch for that meal plan.
Do you see what I missed? Here is a clue. Brian left on Saturday. ummm, yeah. I forgot a dinner. I realized this at 5:45pm and we eat at 6pm. darn it. I was not cooking as I had been cleaning since getting home from the airport drop off. So this is a Beth style kid dinner …
I think got a bonus point with the kids when I suggested that they eat outside on the front porch (they didn’t really have an option but don’t tell them that!) Happy eating kids!
At least I remembered dinner … I tend to forget meals when I get on my cleaning spurts. Hopefully my mom keeps remindimg me to feed dinner to the kids this week when she is here.
So what is for dinner at your house this week? Leave me a comment and let me know!
I think you pulled off dinner pretty well, especially for a last minute meal. I’ve fell off the meal-planning wagon again! Hopefully the weather will stay warm and we can grill often. Can’t wait to read about Brian’s trip!
that is amazing. i dont know how you can make so many meals. i have to get some take out sometimes because i cannot do it all.