Accepting the status of a life long learner has been a hard road for me. After an undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering, I said I was DONE with school. DONE. Yet I kept learning … mostly at my full time job where I have specialized in the requirements area of systems engineering. I then found blogging and thought “I can do that”. Hello, learning curve … but I got it! I fell in love with learning the ins and outs of blogging. Being completely crazy and challenged to take some courses at my job, I started a Masters program in 2010. Remember that plan to be done learning? Yeah, right! So much for planning when it comes to my learning path!
Here I am with Matthew when I started my degree in May 2010 …
Matthew was 10 months old! He was still my baby that I could babywear back then! Time flies by one homework assignment and one kid milestone at a time.
Here are Matthew and mommy now … almost three years later …
Matthew is on his way to being FOUR!! Just so they don’t feel left out, Grace is now 6 and Sophie is 5! I will have met goal of finishing my Masters before Matthew starts Kindergarten and I will even finish before Sophie starts Kindergarten (she starts in August)! I am soooo excited to meet this goal in my life, but I am left wondering what I will do to fill that learning space in my life. I finally realized that I am ready to see more growth here at Simply Budgeted!
You see my absolute LAST assignment for my graduate degree in Instructional Technology is due May 2nd and the Social Fabric Conference #SoFabCon starts on May 3rd! Attending the conference would be an amazing celebration after completing my graduate degree and a great transition into the next stage of my life long learning “plan”. Sure graduation isn’t for another two weeks after that but being done and just waiting to hear my grades for these last classes would make this an incredible experience nonetheless! I am longing for the adventure of attending the SoFabCon in Arkansas this May. I NEED to keep learning! Even if it is just one day after I finish my current learning program, the learning must continue! I want to learn more about SEO, photography, and building your brand which are all topics at the Social Fabric Conference!
Why must the learning be at the Social Fabric Conference? #LuvSoFab We already love the experience we have had monetizing Simply Budgeted with Social Fabric and we want to keep growing at this awesome speed! We joined the Social Fabric community last year and jumped in feet first! We have enjoyed … OK, we have LOVED working on campaigns such as TBCY, Starbucks Delicious Pairing, Pull-Ups, and Tyson Chicken Nuggets. But most of all we have fallen in love with campaigns that let us give back to our community such as the Bag It Forward, GE Lighting Champion for Kids, and Dial into Giving Champion for Kids campaigns! It is amazing to see how much our campaign posts have changed and grown over time. We have grown in our photography and shop story telling for sure. We both know that we have so much more growing we can do here at Simply Budgeted though. I just know that the speakers knowledge and the overall experience of attending this conference can let us gain more tools to keep growing!
So here is to hoping I get to attend the Social Fabric Conference in Arkansas! #Cbias Have you checked out the SoFabCon website for more details yet? If not, head on over; maybe I will see you in Arkansas … so we can keep on learning together!
It would be so awesome if you could make it. I’m going and am so nervous that I won’t know anyone – finding a fellow MomDotter would be amazing!