It is the middle of February and it seems like a great time to check in on everyone’ New Year’s resolutions. Did you make any? Are you still on track for keeping them?
Our resolution was to lose weight. Well, that is nowhere near specific enough, so we resolved to eat better. Specifically, we decided to go Paleo for the month of January. Towards the end of the month, we had our little cheats (I ate a Dorito one day while getting a snack together for Matthew … shhh, don’t tell Beth!) For the most part, we did pretty well, losing nearly 25 pounds between us!
Since then, though … well, let’s just say that our best foot forward has fallen behind a little. We have allowed more bread and dairy to creep back into our diets. Since we know that we can’t let bread go altogether, we need to make sure that we limit it and that we temper the extra calories with extra exercise. Maybe we need to set a mid-February Resolution to get ourselves back on track….
Another exciting side effect to our January efforts (besides the much needed weight loss) was the budget tightening that happened! We focused and made sure that we were eating those healthy meals at home instead of heading out to the local restaurants for easier mealtimes. While it means a little extra effort on our part, those meals add up quickly when we feed five us at even the simplest of dinners out! Any efforts we can take to help stay on track with our eating habits and sticking to our financial goals are well spent efforts for sure! What successes have you seen so far this year?
In an effort to help you keep those tough resolutions and make 2013 your best year yet, we are excited to announce that Visa Prepaid has created the Build Your Best Year instant win game. Keep up with resolutions or create new February edition ones – you can set goals for the year for the chance to win Premium Headphones or a $15 Visa Gift card. Additionally, every game play gives the user an opportunity to win the grand prize of a Tablet PC with kickstand and touch keyboard.
So what are you waiting for? Get back on track with your New Year’s Resolution or make a February Edition Resolution! Leave us a comment and let us know what your resolutions are!
I am blogging on behalf of Visa Prepaid and received compensation for my time from Visa for sharing my views in this post, but the views expressed here are solely mine, not Visa’s. Discover more at or join the Visa Prepaid community at
It sounds like you did a pretty good job meeting your January resolutions! I actually had to look back at my blog to remember what my resolutions were, but it seems I’m doing pretty good LOL! I resolved to reduce spending and pay off credit accounts. I’ve paid off two credit accounts since then and moving toward paying them all off this year!
I skipped the resolutions this year, but 2013 is off to a productive start. Congrats on your weight loss. There really is something to this Paleo thing.
I have decreased the amount of sweet candy I eat now. I miss my airheads and laffy taffys though!
It sounds as if you really meet your goals! Congratulations on your weight loss. I have resolved to eat better but it has been a struggle so far.
Eating healthy on a budget is definitely a challenge – glad to hear you’re giving it your all!
I promise myself that this year I will have a positive outlook on EVERYTHING!
Congrats on your weight loss! and good luck on the budgeting.
Good job on the weightloss both of you! You’re both doing great! This year all I really want is a happy & healthy pregnancy/baby and so far looks like its heading that way <3
Great job on the weight loss. Cannot wait to be skinny again. I am 5 months preggers.
the new month reeolution??…hey! i wanna do that too!
i did a check at the end of the month and i have had a few slip ups, but will do my best to get back on track for this month.
I always make the New Years Resolutions but yeah by February I stop – this year I did not try to make one.