I saw a Cash Price for Gas last week pop up at our local Exxon last week. I sat at the red light across from the gas station in shock. Really? It was a 6 cents a gallon difference. 6 cents adds up when you are on empty even in a little Honda Civic. As I sat there I wondered if it was worth it to save that money when I have the kids in the van though. Getting them out to run in to pre-pay and then run back to pump then go back in for my change because gosh knows I would over pay making sure I filled up the tank. Is that worth 6 cents a gallon?
I remember when I stared driving that credit card readers were becoming popular at gas pumps. I was amazed when I went out with a lady from church who used her credit card for gas. It cost more to use a credit card back then but she did it! I only ever had cash for gas when I started driving. If I was lucky, my brother was with me and would pump my gas for me while I paid and got us each a soda all for under $20. Oh the days! The price difference between cash and credit disappeared at some point. I never thought about because then I got my debit card and I started using that for gas and haven’t looked back … well until I saw that sign last week. Gas is more here this week but the cash price and credit price is still a 6 cent difference. I still haven’t decided if it is worth it. We mostly fill up at Sam’s Club these days but that Exxon is my go to place when I find the car on empty on my way into work.
I know it costs money for businesses to use credit cards but I haven’t thought much about it until now.
Have you seen signs like this pop up where you live? Do you pay cash or credit for gas? What price difference would make you switch to cash if you are a credit card user? Leave me a comment and let me know!
they tricked me with this once!
I use my gas station credit card. They don’t have a price different for cash or credit. I live in Oregon, so we aren’t allowed to pump our own gas. which I love when it’s cold and raining.
I have not see signs around here. If I had an empty tank then I would pay cash
i have seen this where i am at too. not sure if it is worth it at times, but am considering switching to cash to save the money.