Are you getting ready to send out Christmas Cards to family and friends? I often know that family and friends have moved but I often fail to ask for their new address. It is a bad habit. This leaves me addressing my cards and not having addresses. Some friends I track down by text or Facebook but others I only have emails or addresses for so I often turn to to quickly look up their address. What do you do when you are without an address you need?
There is also a feature at that I just learned about. I think I may work on replacing the dozen pieces of paper that have my address lists on them right now with this service …
WhitePages Mailer helps busy people create a master address list for holiday cards, birthday invites, thank you notes, “Save the Date” cards and more by linking your contacts or Facebook friends to their mailing addresses. Plus, you can export the addresses to a spreadsheet or Avery mailing labels
That is just perfect for me and my lack of organized list. I admit it used to be organized in an Excel spreadsheet at one point but that was like three computers ago and well yeah, you know what happens when you move over to a new computer!
WhitePages wants to help you with your holiday mailing efforts by offering one of our readers a $25 gift code to Shutterfly. This giveaway will end after Christmas but maybe you can order Thank You cards or New Year’s cards or you can order me birthday cards for my birthday in February … just an idea there! 😉
my family, their is so many of us on both sides and i lose everything.
My friend in Montreal Quebec. She moves a lot. But I think she recently bought a house so it should stay the same for a while. Also my friend in Rincon Puerto Rico. For some reason I cannot get her address right and the mail takes so long to get to her no matter how I write it out.
my grandparents
My girlfriend out of state
My youngest sister.
My best friend in Texas. She moves all the time.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
My cousin…she’s always moving.
My sister. She moves a lot.
My brother, he travels a lot
I have trouble keeping track of all my old friends from high school. We’ve gotten back in touch on Facebook, but I keep misplacing their addresses/phone numbers.
My husbands side of the family. We’re not too close with many of them.
That would be the list of volunteers addresses I’m responsible for.
Thank you.
One of my aunts who moves a lot.
My best friend’s.
my grandparents
Thanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson [email protected] Janna@feedyourpig on gfc
My Father’s, because he moves so much!
hard time keeping track of boyfriend’s family
All my college age cousins
Friends who have moved out of state.
Extended family. They tend to move
my heart sisters- a group of women with the same rare medical condition I have…. we have formed a tight knit group.
friends from school
My family in VA, they move around a lot
I have family that snow bird down south. I have a hard time keeping track which address to send cards to.
Some of my husbands family members.
My husbands sister.
An old friend from college who keeps moving.
I can never remember my friend sin VA
Friends from college are always changing addresses so I often forget the new ones.
My uncle, he has moved several times the last few years
My cousins, I have a bunch 🙂
my sister is hard to track.
I have a hard time keeping track of my families addresses. They move so much it’s hard to keep track!
My brother but then again I am horrible about keeping everyone’s address in a organized spot.
My brother…because he moves so often!
We have EVERYone’s addresses…only because we got married a couple months ago and were smart enough to keep addresses when we had them! Haha
I have trouble keeping track of my cousins addresses
My brother’s
We dont have a lot of family in this country so nooone!
My own! We haven’t actually “lived” somewhere for a while – we travel around – so I never know what to put as the return address – I know people try to reply to that sometimes and I never seem to get it right…
Distant relatives.
My son. He moves and doesn’t keep us updated.
Everyone! haha. I’m just started to get organized about sending cards!
My family
my Aunt’s
I have hard time tracking my cousins in Colorado’s address.
my cousins all over the country
My best friend.
Keeping track of my cousins this time of year is hard.
my cousins
My niece.
My sister because she just moved
My wife’s sisters in Grenada.
Tracking my friends they keep moving!