I love Walmart. If you love Walmart too, just go ahead and raise your hand. It’s ok, no one’s watching. Go ahead and raise your hand. Recently, MomSelect sent us a $75 gift card and challenged us to see what all we could get with it at Walmart. Here was the catch: we had to make sure to purchase an HP XL ink cartridge. Well, I went a little over, but here’s a picture of my haul.
I love shopping at Walmart because it’s pretty much one-stop shopping. I went in with a specific list, but that rarely holds, especially when I’m walking around with my little man in tow. Besides the ink, my list included diapers, a ladle, toothpaste, sub rolls, and some shelving to address some of the storage issues that we have in our kitchen. There are very few places in our area where you can get bread, ink, toothpaste, and storage solutions all in the same spot. The videos in the picture started as a treat for my little guy, but turned into a treat for the girls as well. They were in the electronics section near the ink. That dinosaur movie has been watched at least 4 times a day for the past 4 days. Worth the price, I guess. What you don’t see in this picture is a box of dinosaur cookies that Matthew claimed when we were getting bread in the bakery section. Again, proximity worked against me on this, but my boy was super happy!
The HP XL ink was the most expensive single item. I bought the HP 60XL color ink cartridge. Had I bought one of the color cartridges and one of the black and white cartridges, I would have completed my $75 challenge right there. The price at Walmart is comparable to so many online distributors, but without the shipping costs involved. Not a bad deal. Plus, you can even purchase them at Walmart.com/HPink and pick it up free at your local Walmart. On top of that, the XL cartridges are a huge savings on their own. XL does not refer to the size of the cartridge, it refers to the amount of ink in the cartridge. Did you know that you can save as much as 40% by using the XL cartridges as compared to the regular HP cartridges? Extra bonus…when I went to check out, the ink purchase actually got me an extra $10 Walmart gift card for a later purchase! How great is that?
We are excited to offer one of our reader a $20 Gift Card! What would you print with HP XL Ink? Good Luck in the giveaway!

I would print out recipes!
I’d print maps & directions. Seems like I’m always needing directions to drive my kids to places.
I would print out coloring pages for my daughter.
I would print coloring pages for my girls.
Flyers for my photography business! 🙂
I would print out my recipes.
I’d print out some pictures and worksheets.
I would print coupons and recipes
I would print out coupons and coloring pages for my grandson!
I would print directions.
I would print homeschool papers.
Sweepstake wins :-), invoices and directions
Invoices from online shopping and craft instructions. It’s hard to craft with the computer!
I would print pictures
I would print out recipes.
print out coloring books for my grandchildren while they are visiting.
I would print some of my favorite pictures.
I’ll print coupons
I would print my son’s birthday invitations.
i’m in grad school so i’d print research articles
I would print my daughter’s school assigments
I would print coupons and recipes
I print product coupons.
i would print stuff from ebay and also recipes for my momma.
I’d print photos.
I would print coupons!
I’d print coupons and school projects .
I’d print recipes and coupons
I would print out coupons
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I’d start printing coupons! I’ve been without ink for over two years so haven’t been able to print any and the budget is too tight to squeeze in the ink!
use when i need to make copies
I would print coupons.
I would print out coupons
I’d print coupons.
I would print coupons and recipes. Thanks for the giveaway!
kids homework
I would print some pictures I haven’t done yet.
i need to print some chore lists for the kids
I’d print our christmas cards!
Print my office work.
I’d print greeting cards I make – thank you.
I would print coupons!
i would print pictures of my new niece
I’d print kindergarten graduation announcements!
I would definitely print some coupons.
Scrapbook items & forms
I’ve always got coloring pages and things that I want to print off but never have any paper and/or ink so this would be great!
recipes, identifying pictures of birds (we love birdwtching) and emails stating that I have a prize.
I’m always printing recipes so this would be a big help. Thanks.
I am selling clothes on Because I Shop To Much’s site (http://www.bistm.com/members/) so I went print a packing slip. 🙂
I would print coupons
I would print coupons and statements.
I would print recipes.
Crafts, and photos!
I have some pictures I’d like to print.
I would print coupons to take to Walmart when I go shopping.
Some work from home stuff.
Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<
tons of pictures
I would print my sons soccer schedules.
I would print coupons
my daughter is 9 years old with servere autism we have alot of papers that need to be printed out for her because of her TSS AND BEHAVOIR SPECIALIST SO I WOULD USE IT FOR THAT
recipes and coupons
halloween decorations!
My son would print tons of homework and term papers for college
I would print coupons for my next shopping trip!
important emails, directions, copies and such. thanks!
I would print some of my best recipes!
I’d make my shopping lists, and print out coloring pages for my daughter
I am always printing recipes and coupons
Coupons and recipes
I would print some coupons
I would print coupons
I would print my sons report for school.
home work and coupons
I’d print off family history documents.
Coupons, homework, medical info, receipts,
I would print coupons and coloring sheets for Carter!
I would print our projects for my kids to work on
Shopping lists
I’d print photos
I would print coupons
Coupons & recipes for sure
My Business Invoices!
Print lots of coupons, my fb is Michelle Trump and my email is [email protected]
Print out invoices and coupons
We would print my wife’s Wildtree information.
harness racing programs on platinum plus
I have coupons I need to print!
We would print homework. Lots and lots of homework.
I would print coupons
Homeschool sheets for my little one.
Daughter and I have been using up lots of ink lately printing coupons (and homework)
my daughters softball pics!
I would print papers that my daughter needs for school. thank you!
Pictures for collages!
i’d print out shipping labels!
my son’s homework
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Reports for school.
I would print coupons, recipes and the kids homework
Coupons *_* and some worksheet activities for my kids
I would print my daughter’s school play pictures.
pictures of my 2 dogs
I’d print some coupons!
kport207 at gmail dot com
I would print out my resume.
I would print out coupons.
I’d print essays for school
print coupons!
Family pictures would be first!
i would print out coupons
I would print coupons and pictures and my kids would print pictures and school related projects
I would print emails
I’d print coupons
Book reports and coupons
Important papers
I would print coupons!
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
I would print out coupons.
I would print photos! I have so many in my camera that need to be on paper and in frames! 🙂
I would print coupons.
I would print coupons and worksheet for my daughters.
I would print coupons to save money
I would print coupons for the movie theater
coloring pages for myself. i never quite grew up.
I would print my homework assignments!
our holiday photo cards
I would print coupons
I would print pictures of my son.
I would print pictures!
Coupons 🙂
I would print coupons!
coupons and eductional things
I would print coupons
I would print out my recipes to make books for my daughters
I’m always printing out directions to places since I don’t have GPS in my car.
I’d print coupons
Our fall family pictures
em darr
I would print coloring pages for my kid’s.
I would print coupons!
I would print my coupons
I would print some labels for Christmas cards.
for me its more and more coupons!!!!!
Reports for my kids (homework), coupons for me, and also sheet music!
I would print coloring pages for my daughter.
I would print out my college assignments!
We like to print out coloring sheets for the kids.
I would print coupons.
I could print coupons 🙂
i print coupons
I would print the new job chart I just made — which is why my kids would probably rather I NOT win. 😉
Coupons, coupons, coupons!
Pictures of my baby!
I would print my daughter’s halloween mini session pics.
shopditzydiva@yahoo dot com
My daughter would print for us coupons and photos of my grandkids
I print shipping labels.
coloring pages for my kids
i would print out worksheets for my sons and recipes for the holidays 🙂
annabella @ centurytel dot net
I would print pictures of my grandkids.
Some photos
I would print coloring pages
I would print school work for my daughter!
I print out my notes for my classes!
Thanks for the giveaway! Janna Johnson [email protected] GFC: janna@feedyourpig
I would print all of the assignments I have due!
I’d print coupons
coupons, of course!
Coupons and my children’s homework.
I would print some pictures I’ve been wanting to frame.
lisando at hotmail.com
birthday cards for my grandkids.
I would print my school papers since most of the are like 5-10 pages
My kids school assignments, mostly.
I would print lots of coupons.
My resume as I search for a job.
I would print out affies for my wins 🙂
I’d print coupons.
I would print cooking recipes
I would print my daily calender and menu
I am always printing directions with mapquest for my work.
My daughter would print her college papers.
I’d print coupons.
I would print recipes
id print recipes 🙂
I would print invitations to our Christmas party!
Birthday invitations.
I would print outfit inspiration photos to hang up in my closet.
I would print a variety of things–recipes, address labels, etc.
i would use this to print out homework
I would print up the kiddos homework they need to write for school.
I would print out colorful center games for the kids at school! Thanks for the information and giveaway!
I would use it to print the iron on transfers we are using to make my father in laws Christmas Gifts
I would print coupons.
I would print coupons
I would print out coupons.
I would print out my daughter’s bowling schedules.
Pictures & coupons
I’d print photos, recipes, etc.
Printable Coupons
I would print off coupons and stuff for my Avon business!
I would print recipes, and letters and stories I have typed.
I would print worksheets for my 4 kids and coupons.
jagar0047 at yahoo dot com
print out coupons
recipes, photos and coupons!!!
I would print coupons.
My daughter’s school prijects and homework.
chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com
I’d print coupons.
My graphic designer wife would use it for printing.
I would print coupons 🙂
I would print COUPONS! 🙂
printable color pages for my kids
coupons and photos
I would print coupons and anything that came up.
Cooking recipes
buy some groceries
Photographs to send home to my mom!
I would use the Hp XL to print my wedding invitations and coupons i can print a lot more with using the XL
I would print coupons and picture of things I want in my wedding
School papers and pictures for them to color.
I would print out activity and coloring sheets and photos
would print vacation photos, web articles
brich22 at earthlink dot net
I would print coupons and fun puzzles for the kiddos!
sandysaveseveryday AT gmail DOT com
I would print coupons the most! Thank you very much great giveaway!
Hello, how are you? Thank you for this opportunity. I would print out work and family activities.
My kids school work.
thank you notes for my daughter’s birthday gifts
School papers and projects!
Thanks for the giveaway…our daughters print out homework every day !
I would print kids activities,coupons,recipes,and so much more
I’d print out lots of coupons.
Thanks for the contest.
I would print pictures!!
I would print Coupons!
I would print pics of my kids
Definitly coupons
Rafflecopter is acting up.