Brian is working today but I had a list of errands to do. By the time we were ready to leave after the kids cleaned up from their morning play time, I realized we would be out during lunch time instead home right at lunch time like I planned. I did not want to spend $20-30 on lunch for the four of us. I had leftovers in the fridge we were supposed to have for lunch. So in an instant of brilliance, I packed a lunch in a cooler. I put Capri Suns, apples, crackers, ham, and packages of cookies in a cooler with some napkins and dessert plates. Off we went to our errands with our lunch packed in the van but no place to eat it. After our second stop that took way too long, the kids were starving. I was still trying to figure out where there was grass for a blanket or picnic tables near where we were. Then I remembered the Elementary School across the street from where we were. So we went over there and parked and ate in the grassy area under the tree.
The kids loved talking about fall, the leaves, the school … we just talked. Normally, if we are out to lunch they are bored so it was wonderful to have that conversation with them. The weather today was perfect for an errand picnic too!
Have you ever packed a lunch when running errands? What is your favorite budget saver idea? Leave me a comment and let me know!
My kids’ favorite thing in the world is having picnics so they would have LOVED that!