This was us … seven years was our breaking point and when we switched carriers. Is this you?
We moved from Northern Virginia where you could be in a cinder block building and still have a signal to the middle of no where Virginia. OK, not really, there are places that are more middle of no where than where we live but my mom will not stop saying we are country people now.
Our cell signal stopped at our driveway. Seriously our driveway was the end of it and our driveway is only 50 feet long. We were warned that if we saw neighbors park at the top of the street that they were OK. They were finishing their phone call before they lost their signal. WHAT?! Where did we move? We would call our carrier and ask if they would increase service in our area and the answer was always the same. The map shows a signal in that area. Really? A map shows a signal so that is the end of the story. They did not get that the map was wrong. We spent five years telling people to no call or text our cell phones if they thought they we were home because we wouldn’t get the call. This explanation was so crazy that we finally just gave up and switched carriers. I admit I was longing for a new phone (it had been seven years since we had upgraded our cell phones!) We really had to find a way to make it fit in our budget though so we did some major hunting comparing rates and coverage areas.
By introducing the Hello Better campaign to the public, U.S. Cellular is encouraging people to say goodbye to dysfunctional wireless relationships and say hello to a better experience. Goodbye neglect, hello respect.
Check out the U.S. Cellular Plans and Rewards Program.
NOTE: I participated in this sponsored post campaign for One2One Network. All opinions stated are my own.
I am glad that you finally changed cell phone companies. It is a very good idea to make sure that you are getting the best deal for the money. I can not believe that your previous cell phone carrier could not help you get better service!