Back pain can direct your life and the lives of those around you. I have been dealing with back pain for years and when it acts up, the whole family is pretty much at a standstill. As a result, we are always on the lookout for products that not only relieve the pain, but that help to solve the underlying reasons for the pain. Pain relievers, heat products, cold products, shoe inserts, special chairs, etc. have all been put to the test. While all of these products limit pain during use, nothing really seems to fix the damage that is already done. I am even seeing a chiropractor and undergoing physical therapy to address these problems.
With all of that having been said, we were very excited to have an opportunity to try out the BackJoy Posture+. This is a portable seat that you can put in any chair, hard or soft, indoor or out. The idea is to tilt your hips for proper alignment and provide support to your glutes, relieving strain and pressure on your lower back. With so many people spending so much time sitting, whether at the office, driving, in front of the TV, or at home on the computer, it is little wonder that back pain is becoming so prevalent around the nation. This product attempts to address much of the damage done while we spend so much of our time sitting down.
My Thoughts: This product definitely takes some getting used to. Any time you make your body do something that it is not accustomed to doing, you are going to get some kickback. You also have to make sure that you are seated and “skooched” just so in order to get the benefit. However, after getting situated and training your body a bit, this product will definitely reduce much of the day to day pain that you might feel as a result of excessive periods of sitting. Like so many other products, however, I am not sure how well this product fixes the damage that has been done in the past. Even after plenty of use, I still have pain when standing and laying. The huge benefit is that, when using this product, you are not making your situation worse. I accept that it will take a lot of work to finally be completely pain free. Sitting for hours on end does not make that happen any faster. With the BackJoy Posture+, I can be sure that the hard work that I do to fix my back problems are not lost every time I sit to write up a post.
I think I’ve seen the Backjoy at my local Pharmaca and didn’t pay it much attention. But here you say it can be used on soft chairs as well. This changes things and I will give it a second glance. Thanks.
I’ve been looking at this product and think it would be great for my office chair. I am writing a book right now and spending long hours at my computer desk.