We are eating these donuts this morning … they are left over from yesterday morning. I kept seeing donut recipes in my email and even donut makers over at Amazon. The kids love donuts. OK maybe love isn’t a good enough word … they obsess over donuts if they see them at the store. So I was determined to see how hard it was to make our own donut holes for them.
This morning, I told the kids they had to work for their donuts and they just stared at me. As I was getting everything together, Brian came out to help (you see he doesn’t really trust me in the kitchen for good reason.) So they we were in the kitchen … all five of us (four of us still in pajamas … when did Brian find time to get dressed?) Anyway these are as easy as they look for sure. This recipe is seems to be on every recipe site with all different variations on what to use as the dough. I went with what seemed the easiest and used coatings we had in the cabinets already!
1 or 2 cans of buttermilk biscuits (any brand)
Coatings of your choice (we used powdered sugar and cinnamon sugar)
3 cups of Vegetable Oil
- Cut up the biscuits into quarters and roll them.
- Heat up your oil in a deep sauce pan.
- Place your coatings on a plate or in a bowl.
- Drop 3-5 donuts into the oil and let them cook. It will take 1-3 minutes … just watch and guess. Try one if you are worried but the ones that were soft in the middle were just as good!
- As soon as you get them out of the oil, shake them about or roll them around in the coating.
- Enjoy!
Now don’t worry about the biscuits being perfect. Matthew decided to help cut them and then roll them. His “log rolled” donuts were just as good as the round ones!
As for the cinnamon sugar, Brian asked what he could help me with when he saw I was up to something in the kitchen. I asked if he could mix the cinnamon sugar and he pulled out a bottle of McCormick’s Cinnamon Sugar from the spice cabinet. How simple!
Why share all of this on Father’s Day? This is why …
The simple task of making donut holes for a Saturday breakfast is something that our kids will remember. Yes the kitchen was full of little feet to step on and too many hands trying to help but it was also full of love and togetherness. I just kept smiling the whole time and not caring that they were messing up my clean kitchen or dining room in the process of breakfast making and eating!
So thank you to Brian for helping make these memories for our kids … and hopefully giving them more success in the kitchen than I have (even though I do think I scored a home run on these!)
Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there!
These look yummy! How cute your daughter looks in her princess outfit!
Happy Father’s Day!
They look so yummy!