When we moved into this house, we knew we were going to need new appliances but we didn’t understand how home appliance replacement really worked. Our previous house was a new build townhouse that came with all new appliances and we were only there two years. Then we moved here where the house was 15 years old and we had no idea how old any appliance were because there was no documentation left for us.
So here we were with these appliances that worked … for now. We didn’t have money to replace appliances so we used the ones here. Then we learned one day how appliances nominate themselves to be replaced. First up was the washer. It stopped draining one day. ugh. I honestly gave in and took a car of laundry my mom’s house like I did college to get clean clothes while we waited for our washer and dryer (I begged for a new dryer too!) to be delivered. We were still naive though and figured our appliances were fine until November came and the dishwasher died. We were hosting Thanksgiving dinner, I was 8 months pregnant, and I had no dishwasher. Let’s just say that the “next day delivery” promise didn’t happen and the store heard the wrath of a very pregnant woman the Monday before Thanksgiving. (I did get my dishwasher before Thanksgiving if you are wondering!)
We learned … finally. Appliances nominate themselves to be replaced. Our HVAC system was kind and gave us hints it was dying. They were expensive hints but we caught on and replaced it before it completely died. We decided to outsmart the fridge and replace the fridge before it could die when I saw Brian’s dream fridge on sale. But seeing how we are still paying off that fridge, we have stopped there. Next on our list is the hot water heater. The issue is that we have a gas hot water heater. So I have been trying to compare gas and electricity prices to decide if we want to keep a gas hot water heater. On top of that, we are trying to decide if we want a tankless or tank hot water heater. The cost there is a big issue here so we have to not only look at usage costs but up front costs. This is so not like buying a fridge where I could just pick a pretty one!
I am tired of hot water heaters … I would rather look at stoves since they pretty and that is still on our list.
Do appliances nominate themselves to be replaced at your house too? Leave us a comment and let us know!
It happened at our house too! When we first moved into our house 3 1/2 years ago we had zero money. Different family members kindly donated the appliances we needed to us. Very old, been sitting in their garage taking up space appliances. Lol. So we had all the mismatched old appliances. All brands, styles and colors. It look us three years to finally get everything replaced but we did it! Everything we got we either got on sale, clearance or as “damaged” with tiny dings. We replaced them as they died or when we found an awesome deal on something. I now proudly have a kitchen full of stainless steel appliances!
We have a stainless dishwasher and fridge plus an almond colored stove. haha
Glad to hear you had success in replacing your appliances to a look you wanted. I know we will get there one day too!!