We are blessed to have an elf join our family this year! Thanks to my sister, Amy, for asking Santa to give us one this year!
Our elf came to us last night and landed on the TV cabinet to introduce himself to our family and get his name.
After much debate and some really crazy name suggestions like Celarusa … huh?!?! … how do I even spell that?! Sophie, our almost 4 year old, called him a Monkey. aye, aye, aye. We explained he might not like being called a monkey. She said OK but called him a monkey again today. I guess his arms and legs are too long in her opinion! (I can totally see this but of course I can’t tell her that because then she will continue to call him a monkey!)
We decided to name our Elf, Kingston. The Kings came to visit Baby Jesus and our elf comes to visit us. It sounds like a reasonable explanation, right?
Grace, our 5 year old, made sure to go over and tell him that he has to remember to pick places up high because otherwise Little Dude will touch him and he can’t fly. How many high places can we find in our house? oh my.
Here is day one … the oven mitt!
Where does your Elf on the Shelf hide? Hopefully we can post daily pictures on where Kingston is so watch for them until Christmas! Have an idea where Kingston should hide next? Leave us a comment and let us know!
great name choice. good luck finding lots of high places!! 🙂
I love his name! I’m trying so hard to think of creative hiding spots, it’s hard!