Every couple of years, my eyes start getting the better of me and I have to go get them checked out. Our insurance covers an eye exam so that’s no big deal. It’s when we start shopping for eyewear that we realize just how expensive it can be. Think about it. They have doctors and sales staff to pay along with rent and utilities. I don’t know about you, but I’m having enough trouble paying my own utilities, much less a ridiculous mark-up so that someone else can pay theirs.
That’s why we took to the internet. Buying men’s glasses online can be a bit daunting (there are so many more options), but I know that I am not going to have to settle between two frames that I don’t really want. I also know that price becomes much less of an issue. For the price of that middle of the line frame, I can get a “designer” frame with the lenses included.
The biggest problem with purchasing glasses online is the fit. You have to make sure that the lenses line up properly, that they sit on your ears and nose comfortably, etc. The best way to address these issues is to make sure that your prescription is well-written. This means getting all of the information needed to make your eyeglasses, including your pupillary distance (PD). If the optometrist doesn’t write it in, ask them to.
If you have any experiences buy glasses online or in the store, leave us a comment.
I have not had my eyes checked in years. Since I am always in front of the computer, I am afraid they will say there is something wrong with my eyes.
I wear glasses for driving and at the movie theater but rarely need a new prescription. I’ve been wearing the same one for years and I can’t justify new glasses but there are so many cute new styles. I think the only way I would buy frames online is if I picked them out in the store but ordered them online to save money. I need to see how they fit and look.
Thankfully my eyes are still good so I haven’t had to get glasses yet. I don’t even go for regular eyes exams. Maybe I need to. Thanks for sharing.
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