Brian asked me to write this post because this is my recipe and my story. hmmm. It is now his recipe but here it goes.
I was introduced to a Spanish Tortilla (think omelette) when I went to Spain in high school. It took me so many babysitting hours to get there but it was worth every penny and still my only trip out of the U.S. While in Spain, I ate croissants and Spanish Tortillas. The next summer we had an exchange student live with us for the summer … from Spain of course. The group leader decided to teach the host moms how to make Spanish Tortillas one night. FINALLY, my mom understood what I told her I was eating over there. In Spain, Spanish Tortillas have anything and everything in them. Veggies, meat, whatever. They all seem to have potatoes and onions though. They vary in shape, size, and even color. They all taste amazing though. My mom taught Brian how to make Spanish Tortillas at some point. I still can’t master the flip … you see to get it cook on both sides, you use a plate to flip it and then put it back in the pan. I am way better at eating them.
Here is tonight’s meatless Spanish Tortilla …
Here it is with a slice missing so you can see it took the whole pan to make this. We … ha! Brian used our Everyday Pan by Calphalon for this and works great.
I say all of that and don’t have a recipe to post. You see Brian took step by step pictures then asked me to post. If you want the recipe, beg for it in the comments and you will break him down to post it. 😉
I have to ask … have you tried a Spanish Tortilla before? If so, what do you put in yours?
I had one in July at an amazing Tapas restaurant in Boston. I really want to try to make it at home. We’ll see! 🙂