Today is a special day here at our house. My husband and I have been married 8 years today. This is the anniversary of our “first marriage” and the one we traditionally celebrate. Plus today is the kick off “Beth Week”. (Beth Week is Feb 10 -14 because Feb 10 is our anniversary, Feb 12 is my birthday, and Feb 14 is of course Valentine’s Day! Oh and there is no big Beth Week celebration here on the blog due my lack of time … maybe next year?!)
Back on Feb 10, 2003, Brian and I eloped. I was fully engrossed in wedding planning for an August 2003 wedding. We then got word that Brian was going to deploy and more than likely stop lossed. So my dad drove me out to Ft. Campbell, KY where Brian was stationed so I could elope and drive Brian’s car back to Virginia. Only amazing dad’s do stuff like that!;) We were married by a Justice of Peace in TN. Brian deployed and was fortunate enough to leave active duty December of 2003. We had our “big wedding” with family and friends on July 10, 2004 but we celebrate the February date as our anniversary.
Today we celebrate with a dusting of snow outside, Brian bandaging up my sliced finger that I cut washing a knife this morning, Brian teaching preschool, me working … Brian will go to class later and I will get dance class with the girls duty. Oh we did give each other cards this morning … eight years in with 3 kids 4 and under, that is as romantic as it gets it seems. But we are blessed and are looking forward to the next eight years!
Happy Anniversary to My Honey!!
Awwww…. What a sweet story- Made me tear up!
Oh- and Happy Beth Week!!!