Friday Favorites is another almost weekly feature here at Simply Living on a Budget. The whole point of this feature is to share some of my favorite finds. Anything is game. Food. Cleaning supplies. Kid stuff. Garden favorites. Recipes. Anything that I really like and want to randomly post about. Everything in Friday Favorites is something that I use and bought on my own.
Details …
Saco Powdered Buttermilk is the only product of its kind available on the retail market today. Made from sweet cream, churned buttermilk, which is the by-product of butter making, SACO Buttermilk Blend is the first real buttermilk available to consumers in over 50 years. Fluid buttermilk, found in today’s dairy case, is merely cultured skim milk and contains no real buttermilk.
Ingredients … A Cultured Blend of Sweet Cream Churned Buttermilk, Sweet Dairy Whey, and Lactic Acid.
My thoughts …
My husband used to do the vinegar/milk mixture to substitute for buttermilk but wasn’t the same. Now we just use this powder. It was such a great random find of mine in the grocery store recently. You just add water to the wet ingredients and the powder to the dry ingredients. Now we aren’t wasting buttermilk because once recipe called for it and we didn’t have a need for the rest of the container! That is a good deal there!
Oh and this perfect for recipes like the Buttermilk Pecan Chicken recipe I posted in my review of the 5 Ingredient Fix cookbook!
Where can you buy this? I found this at Harris Teeter but you can get a 3 pack on too!
Did you miss my last Friday Favorite? Find it here!
If you have a suggestion for a Friday Favorite, leave me a comment and let me know.
If you have a blog post that includes a recipe, tip, or article you wrote that you want me know about, leave me a comment and you might see it in a future Friday Favorite!!
Yes, I have this buttermilk but my containter got messed up and I had to put it into another container and forgot to write down how much powder to water I am suppose to mix.
Could you send the measurements for mixing this? I would surely appreciate it. Thank You