What are Five Lessons that Every Kid Should Learn?
I once again turned to be husband for these as he is setting up his preschool classroom as I type! These lessons apply to your littlest one all the same as they apply to the one off to college or beyond!
1. Share. You should share now so that others can and are willing to share with you later!
2. Listen more than you talk.
3. Be yourself. You will have more fun when you are being true to yourself!
4. Be a friend. Everyone can use another friend.
5. Respect others no matter what they look like. You never know their story.
Good post! I love it…
I totally agree with number 5. Sometimes it is a hard lesson to learn. One thing we are able to do that some families are not able or willing to do is that we selected a daycare that our children are a minority in. We live in a suburb and our children are in an inner city preschool- nothing like learning about diversity and treating others with respect when you are the odd man out. Hopefully, they will remember how it feels to be the only ones like them when they move to rural kansas in the next few years.