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I recently had the chance to review a Little Looster thanks to Little Looster!
Details …
What is the Little Looster?
For all the years when those little legs don’t reach the floor. The Little Looster, a booster for the Loo™ is about to change the way we potty train. The perfect potty stool.
As an extension of the toilet, the Little Looster never needs to be shuffled around the bathroom. All grown-ups can use the toilet while standing or sitting without needing to move it out of the way.
My thoughts …
My first thought when this stool showed up at our was that it is huge. Compared to the little stools we had from the Target dollar section it is. The size is an advantage though because my kids don’t drag it all around the house like they do with the other stools. They would constantly steal the bathroom stool to see what was on the kitchen counter, look out the front window, get to something they shouldn’t be touching … you know the game! Now the Little Looster stays at the potty. Simple. I don’t have to track it down because they are yelling they need a stool during a potty run. The size of this stool is great too because it doesn’t tip over like the little stool often did!
If you are starting or getting ready to start a potty training adventure, my advice after going through it twice already is to skip that silly little potty and just get a nice stool like the Little Looster. The cost is honestly about the same and the Little Looster is able to be used for much longer by your kids so you really get a return on your investment!!
NOTE: I was sent a Little Looster in support this review. No other compensation was received. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.
I am a follower!! My name is Googie.
My son Donnie Ray is 4 and is potty trained, but still has problems climbing up to the toilet. My son Casey has not been potty trained yet!
I also have your button on my Blog. You can find it it http://www.lgokey02.blogspot.com in my sidebar towards the bottom!!
My son Ethan just turned 2 and has been very interested in the potty… hope to win a Little Looster to help him with his confidence!
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My son Kale is (hopefully) finishing up potty training. He has #1 down but we just can't get the #2 part down. I think part of it is that he refuses to use the little potty we had and doesn't have a way to brace his legs while he's sitting on the big potty. This would be awesome for that!! He has a hard time climbing onto the potty (but amazingly enough will only pee standing up like daddy and he can barely make it over the lip of the toilet – funniest thing ever!!
Anyway- I know I've shared WAY too much! haha
But this would be perfect in so many ways!
sandy (at) journeytoourhome (dot) com
I have your button on my blog!!
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Our youngest daughter, Rylee, is working on the potty business. She's about 3, but very small and petite and so we have this huge stool in front of the toilet that everyone else has to move to use the bathroom. Since that includes her older sister, that means the rug gets washed ALOT! Thanks!
mommy saves at ya hoo dot com
We're currently potty training our toddler. I think she's fairly young for potty training, but it's something they're already working on at daycare. So far, we've not had much success, but we're trying to come up with good incentives, such as stickers. Thank you!
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
My niece is about to start potty training and I watch her during the day!
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
my son is potty training! we just started so right now he knows what the potty is for and is getting used to it. he has gone in it once!!!
[email protected]
Benjamin my 2 1/2 year old wants to be a big boy and wear underwear. The trouble is he wants to wear them over his diaper. He is not taking to this potty training business very well. I would love to win this and hope that it would help him feel a little more secure while sitting on the potty.
eswright18 at gmail.com
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eswright18 at gmail.com
My son who turns 2 this week will be potty training. Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow LL on twitter.bluenude3 Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com
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eswright18 at gmail.com
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My DD just turned 2 and we started potty training a few weeks ago. This would so come in handy!
tkrichardson04 at hotmail dot com
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eswright18 at gmail.com
I will be potty training my daughter very soon. Thanks for the chance.
I follow you on twitter as MelodicMom
My son who is 3 is potty training.
Twitter follower- ksh123
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follower through Google Friend Connect- Paula Michele
It will be happening mostly at my daughter's house, but my grandson will soon be in the process of potty training.
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
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cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
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eswright18 at gmail.com
My toddler is potty training right now. We've just started so this would be really handy. Thanks!
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My daughter is potting training!
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My son will be potty training. He is 17 months and I am a cloth diapering mom. I am expecting twins in a couple of months- and boy oh boy. I would never have thought I would be rushing potty training, but the idea of three in cloth dipes scares me!!!! I have no idea how to even start- but I know we have to start thinking about it now. Thanks!
I follow you on Twitter (momofthreeunder) thanks!
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I grabbed your button, thanks!
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My daughter could sure use this for her training! suelee1998 @gmail.com
our daughter is about to potty train
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
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eswright18 at gmail.com
I have a two-year old who is potty training.
[email protected]
my only neice will be
My daughter will be potty training soon
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My twins are next to potty train!