A little about the Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 …
This webcam has some awesome features such as premium autofocus, 2-megapixel sensor, RightLight™ 2 Technology, Logitech® Video Effects™, IM compatibility, and HD video recording. This webcam works for Windows Vista, XP, and 7 .
A little review …
I own one of these that I bought myself and love it. It is a great quality web cam. I did my Mamavation application video using this webcam. I have also taken several still pictures with it when the kids see me on the computer screen and want to be in a picture. It has great quality and I love the tracking feature. The built in microphone works really nicely too!
As part of Beth Week, I have been given the opportunity to giveaway a Logitech Webcam Pro 9000!
NOTE: No compensation was received for this post. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.
I would let my daughter call her grandparents using Skype
abfantom at yahoo dot com
Have my little boy call grandpa for a video call!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
[email protected] I would definitely send a video call to my parents of our granddaughter playing here!
[email protected] tweeted http://twitter.com/cdziuba/status/8952383507
[email protected] subscriber
[email protected] follow
[email protected] button ceeceeblogger.blogspot.com
[email protected] Fan Mom Select Carol P Dziuba and posted the comment on their wall
[email protected] follow you on twitter cdziuba
[email protected] Left a comment on your redocrating Mamavation post
i would take pictures for my blog.
madamerkf at aol dot com
Christina – [email protected] – I would take a still with my beautiful German Shepherd – Husky dog Birdie in my lap!
I would have a nice LONG chat with my sister!
Take a good pic for my profiles on various sites
I would get to see my daughter and grandkids.
Great giveaway! the first thing I would do is read the manual:)haha I would play around with it and then probably make a call using skype to my parents in Arizona.
[email protected]
I would make a video call to Brazil. It is a lot cheaper! [email protected]
I'd replace my old webcam, then call my daughter to test the reception on her end
I would visit with my Grandparents in Englund. Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I would Skype with my folks so they could see their grandson more!
Following in twitter – tequilacinco
Retweeted: http://twitter.com/tequilacinco/statuses/8975197180
Commented in a mamavation post about drinking soda too much
Introduced myself on a friendly hello post 🙂
I would make a video call. The grandparents would love to see their grandkids.
I am going to be away from my girlfriend for 9 months while I train for a new job. I am sure she would love to see my pretty face!!
I would take some pics to put on different sites.
[email protected]
follow google friend
[email protected]
follow on twitter(Missybeez80)
[email protected]
Wow, this is great. I've been thinking about a webcam. I don't get to see my family to often, as we are pretty spread out. This would give me an opportunity to send current pics so everyone can see how old I've gotten! lol. I hope I win. My email is [email protected]. Thanks!!!
I would "visit " with my friends in Japan
Diane Baum
[email protected]
sign me up
I would give it to my business partner so she could talk to her little ones when shes on the road.
The very first thing I would do is Skype with my best buddy in Seattle!
I would send the web cam to my mom so she could hook it up to her computer and talk to her grandkids on cam.
waitressdani (at) hotmail (dot) com
This would be great for my daughter to play her guitar for my mother-in-law who is in a nursing home.
I would make a video call to one of my friends that I haven't seen for a long time.
I think I would have to have a video chat with my best friend online.
I would video chat with an old friend of mine online.
[email protected]
I would give this to my son so that he could video call his girlfriend.
I would take a picture for my Facebook profile.
[email protected]
My oldest daughter lives out of state and I would love to video with her!
I follow on google.
i want to win this
Definitely a video call to family overseas.
I would make a video of my husband
I would use the camera to set up a motion activated security system.
Taking a pic for a Twitter profile pic sounds like a good idea. I would probably use it for that first.
wakeupangel at gmail dot com
I am following you via Facebook, name on there is Bonnie McAfee. Also left comment on wall.
Following you on Twitter, name on there is baniclips.
Tweeted here- http://twitter.com/baniclips/status/9048782456
Blogged here- http://banicontests.blogspot.com/2010/02/simply-living-on-budget.html
Put your button on my blog.
I'm following you via Google Connect, name is Bani.
Put your Beth Week event button on my blog.
I would do video chat.
I would take videos of my nieces and e-mail them to out of state family members.
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow through google friend connect
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow through twitter (@jjak2003)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would use it to skype my old roommate who now lives in Hungary.
I joined on FB and left note on the wall under name a marie hj saver
I am following on twitter too @creep4ward
google friend follower name is h mcnaron
I would make a video call to family that lives in Texas. Thanks!
sphinxcw at aol dot com
I have one of these and it's awesome. I'd like on for my kids computer.
The first thing I would do is help my husband make video calls to his relatives (BIG family) living out of state.
bbentry [at] aol [dot] com
Following you on Twitter (kailua67)
Your button is on my blog at http://bnbproductions.terapad.com/
Following you with Google Friend Connect (Bacallsmom)
I would use it to talk to the parents up north!
I would chat with my family in maryland and use it to upload photos to my profiles
momselect facebook fan (michelle barrett) and left comment on wall http://www.facebook.com/posted.php?id=69228620539&share_id=486613440575&comments=1#s486613440575
follow via twitter (chelleb36)
tweeted http://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/9082814732
subscribe via reader
google follower
commented on mamavation post 2/8/2010 post# 16 http://simplylivingonabudget.blogspot.com/2010/02/mamavation-monday-back-to-water-cooler.html?showComment=1266118879127#c2293698749988285849
i would use it to take a new Myspace/Twitter and facebook pic! Everyone has cute webcam pics but me.
([email protected])
Fan on Facebook. Wrote on your wall!
([email protected])
subscribed to RSS feed.
([email protected])
Following via Twitter.
([email protected])
Commented on the Monday Back to water cooler post here::([email protected])
Commented on the "Friendly Hello" post here::([email protected])
Following via google friend connect.
([email protected])
Definitely call the grandparents in Florida. It's been a few months since they've seen my 5-year-old daughter.
[email protected]
I would take a profile picture to help me get over my internet shyness.
Please accept my entry. Thank you.
2/14 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would Skype with my brother who lives in New York.
I would make a video call on my desktop instead of my laptop. My laptop is built in and sucks really bad..I love to interact with people with video calls.
[email protected]
I am a twitter follower with my twitter id as makeetis
[email protected]
Follow you on Twitter (mysweetcarolina)
The very first thing I will do is call my boyfriend 5000miles away in London with Skype! My laptop with a webcam has died and sadly am using my parent's computer with no video. Tried to buy a webcam last week and nothing in the price range I can afford right now!!!
Have followed and RTed … (@KatherineChu)
2/15 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would make a video call to my sister! I want one of these so bad!!
[email protected]
I fanned MomSelect on facebook and left that comment!
[email protected]
I follow you on twitter @smash906
[email protected]
Tweeted http://twitter.com/smash906/status/9150934269
[email protected]
blogged http://ashleysaddictions.blogspot.com/2010/02/win-logitech-webcam-pro-9000.html
[email protected]
I follow your blog (ash9)
[email protected]
I subscribe to feed!
[email protected]
Commented on Mamavation post from today Feb 15
[email protected]
I commented on A Friendly Hello comment number 15
[email protected]
I would use it to see my dad who lives in another state.
[email protected]
I'd send my girl video of me making funny faces
I would use the webcam on a dating site to find a husband. Maybe I could be a mail order bride!
[email protected]
I would upload a funny video of me to YouTube.com!
I joined and left a message on Facebook:
I follow you on twitter (@melissaaggie98)
I'm a google friend.
I subscribe to your posts.
2/16 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
after setup i would first learn to use it and then add video to my blog
I would take video of my 2 year old nephew singing for facebook!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tweet http://twitter.com/smash906/status/9211828140
[email protected]
I'd definately have some long chats with friends in other countries.
Twitter follower ky2here1.
HEre's my tweet:
Google friend connect follower kycouple2000.
I'd make a video call to my son.
I would love to have this webcam to use with Skype when talking to my oldest daughter who recently moved to California from North Carolina.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.
I am a RSS Subscriber via Google Reader.
I am following via Google Friends Connect.
I have always wanted to add some videos on my youtube account but I have never had a camera. I just think it would be fun to document all of the things that happen to me on a daily basis.
I would use it to make videos and reviews.
[email protected]
2/17 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
my brother in law will soon be getting internet service for his new computer in Guatemala and I plan on using the webcam to have video chats with hubby's family.
micaela6955 at msn dot com
your twitter follower @micaela6955
tweeted http://twitter.com/micaela6955/status/9251645591
micaela6955 at msn dot com
blog follower Michele P.
micaela6955 at msn dot com
got your Beth Week button before 2/8 entry 1
micaela6955 at msn dot com
got your Beth Week button before 2/8 entry 2
micaela6955 at msn dot com
We've been thinking about getting Skype to keep in touch with our son. This webcam would be perfect for it.
[email protected]
probably make a video skype call
mail sort at gmail period com
Webcam with my girlfriend because I miss her!
[email protected]
If I won this webcam I would do video chatting with friends and family while I'm in college and I would make a TV show!
[email protected]
I have tweeted about this:
[email protected]
Have the kids connect with their grandparents.
[email protected]
I'll call my fiance on skype
[email protected]
I would use it for video reviews. 🙂
[email protected]
I would use it to setup a Skype account so that we(my family) can video conference with my sister-in-law who is currently in Sweden playing professional basketball.
[email protected]
I would take a picture of myself!
I am following you on Twitter, ILoveEgypt
I retweeted, ILoveEgypt
I would enter video contests that I was unable to enter before as I don't have a web cam.
[email protected]
I would be able to talk face to face with my children who live in other states.
I would make a video call to grandparents that don't get to see my son much because we are far away!
I would be able to see my grandchildren useing Skipe if I won this.
[email protected]
I would have a video chat with my nephew
2/18 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I just tweeted:
[email protected]
I am following this blog…my username is juangrist500
[email protected]
I commented on the Facebook fan page for Mom Seleted. Link to my profile:
[email protected]
I would make a video call to show off the grandkid to his grandparents out of town. yyeres(at)gmail(Dot)Com
I would video with my family that I live with… we are always in different parts of the house and are constantly iming with each other 😛 the littles love to get on cam to talk to mom 😉
The Daily Planet
[email protected]
I wrote on Mom Select's Wall.
The Daily Planet
[email protected]
I follow you on twitter: Super_Angel
The Daily Planet
[email protected]
Twittered: http://twitter.com/Super_Angel/statuses/9319872454
The Daily Planet
[email protected]
I blogged ya: Coolest Contests, Hottest Carnivals
The Daily Planet
[email protected]
I added your blog ad: Site Surfin'
The Daily Planet
[email protected]
I follow through google.
The Daily Planet
[email protected]
I'm subscribed via bloglines: CKSM
The Daily Planet
[email protected]
Skype call with a friend in Germany
I would take a video of my grandson getting off the plane
I would do video calls with my in-laws. Both sets live far away, and that is so tough since we have a baby!
twitter follower @tiffanyblogs
your button is on my blog
bethweek button posted early 1
beth week button posted early 2
already left a comment on your friendly hello post!
2/19 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would use it to make a video call to my family in Europe! I'd love to see their faces!
charmtime at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter (littlecomper)
charmtime at gmail dot com
I follow you with Google Friends Connect (Susan Margaret) (charmtime at gmail dot com)
I subscribe to your blog through Google Reader (charmtime at gmail dot com)
I would use it to keep in touch with my family and show them their grown grandsons
azrael.forgotten address using at gmail.com
I would contact my sister who I haven't seen in 2 yrs since i moved
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com
i follow with google
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com
I would first update my profile pictures then make message videos. Please accept my entry. Thank you.
My dad was just diagnosed with cancer and I live across country. I would get on the net every day and talk to him. He would love to see my little smiling face on his computer!
I follow you on Google Friend connect.
2/20 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
Make a call to Grandma!
The first thing I would do, if I were to win, is sign up for an account on Skype. Many of my friends have been badgering me to get a webcam but there has never been enough money.
kristiana @ live dot com
Good luck to all who enter! 🙂
Tweet http://twitter.com/smash906/status/9397480084
[email protected]
I would call my Aunt who I never get to see and have a nice talk/video conference, without a doubt!
I'd put the webcam outside to monitor the neighbors.
I follow on twitter as yadgirl.
tweet http://twitter.com/yadgirl/status/9406377333
I would use it to have a video call with my brother, who lives in Japan! honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
Technology is so new to me. The first thing I'd do is learn how to use it.
Email subscriber.
Follower via GFC.
Tweet http://twitter.com/smash906/status/9440071858
[email protected]
I would skype with my grandkids!
[email protected]
I joined MomSelect on Facebook and posted on their wall – Donna Sullivan
[email protected]
I follow you on twitter – mickeyms6
[email protected]
I tweeted http://twitter.com/mickeyms6/status/9440214586
[email protected]
I follow you on google friends connect publicly (Donna)
[email protected]
I subscribe to your blog through my google reader
[email protected]
I commented on mamavation post from 2/15 comment number 15
[email protected]
I commented on A Friendly Hello comment 18
[email protected]
I would use this to let my daughter video chat with her grandparents in Florida
[email protected]
I became a fan of MomSelect on facebook and posted that comment on their wall
[email protected]
I follow you on twitter (alsmarin)
[email protected]
I tweeted your tweet http://twitter.com/alsmarin/status/9440303591
[email protected]
I am a feed subscriber
[email protected]
I am a follower on Google Friends Connect (Amber)
[email protected]
Commented on Feb 15th Mamavation post
[email protected]
Commented on A Friendly Hello post – #19
[email protected]
i would use it to talk to my mom out of state
[email protected]
I follow you on twitter – @seamus1125
[email protected]
Tweeted http://twitter.com/seamus1125/status/9443365610
[email protected]
i follow on GFC
[email protected]
I subscribe to posts
[email protected]
Commented on Mamavation post from Jan 18.
[email protected]
Commented on Friendly Hello comment 20
[email protected]
2/21 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
i'd use it to talk to my sister back east
chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
The first thing I would do is Skype with my friends who moved overseas. Thank you for the chance to win.
I would video chat with some of my friends.
Tweet http://twitter.com/smash906/status/9474423579
[email protected]
I would love to be able to video chat with some of my friends,,,they want to see me!
I would talk with a friend I haven't talked to since high school who recently found me on Facebook!
2/22 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would be able to video chat with my friends at colleges in other states!
I follow you on twitter, username slowclublover.
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/slowclublover/status/9493127918
I would take a picture in the shower (that's clean, right?)
I'd hook it up and wait… because without a doubt the first thing my wife would do is make a video call and I'd be there to enjoy the moment with her! 😉
I would chat with all my online buddies
We would use it to call my mom in NC so that she can see her 2 year old granddaughter!
Would like to video our pet and the little wildlife that runs down over the back of our property.
I'm following you on Twitter (id- electricisland)
l'm following thru google friend connect
Subscribed. electricisland(at)gmail.com
I would keep in contact with family and friends.
[email protected]
Would love to video chat with my girlfriend, we go to diffrent schools =/
[email protected]
I would video chat with my sister
[email protected]
I would use it to connect with my family back in England.
[email protected]
Following on Twitter.
[email protected]
Tweeted about giveaway
[email protected]
I'd love to start doing video posts of my healthy cooking blog.
2/23 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
We would make a call to my husband's grandmother who lives in Arizona. Thanks for the chance.
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
First I would make a video call to my mother, then I would take a new picture for my facebook profile. Thanks.
i would skype with my niece in california
I would talk with my nieces in Massachusetts!
[email protected]
Tweeted http://twitter.com/smash906/status/9551882231
[email protected]
I would love to do a video call with my mom, thanks!
[email protected]
Daily tweet http://twitter.com/seamus1125/status/9552975924
[email protected]
fan mom select and posted on their wall Jammie Morey
I follow on twitter Jammie79
http://twitter.com/Jammie79/status/9554750506 tweeted
I would video caht with my sister who is 800 miles away
I am a google friend
subscribe via google reader
I'd make a video call to family abroad, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
tweet http://twitter.com/carafferty/status/9555074564
Twitter follower, @carafferty, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
Follow this blog publicly via google friend connect, CindyWindy2003, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
Blog Subscriber, CindyWindy2003, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
Button on blog, http://cindywindylovesblogsnfrogs.blogspot.com/ carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
Beth's Week Button on blog, http://cindywindylovesblogsnfrogs.blogspot.com/ carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
I want to talk and SEE my grandkids in Amsterdam!
I'd talk to my family members that live across the country!
I will take (appropriate) pictures of before and after.. I'm starting the P90X workout on Monday!! I'm so excited! Thanks!!
stephanie_dunbar07 AT hotmail DOT com
I did the facebook entry!
(Stephanie Coldwell)
stephanie_dunbar07 AT hotmail DOT com
And I am following you on Twitter!
stephanie_dunbar07 AT hotmail DOT com
I tweeted!
I don't know how to do the URL thing.. I'm pretty new to Twitter. Thanks!
stephanie_dunbar07 AT hotmail DOT com
I blogged about your giveaway!
stephanie_dunbar07 AT hotmail.com
I'm following your blog!
stephanie_dunbar07 AT hotmail DOT com
I would definitely take a new picture for my facebook and twitter profiles.
[email protected]
I fanned Mom Select on facebook and commented. angela.gaffke
[email protected]
I follow you on twitter ag1414
[email protected]
I tweeted: http://twitter.com/ag1414/status/9563318383
[email protected]
I follow your blog. angela g
[email protected]
I subscribe by google reader.
[email protected]
i would use it to chat w my family who is overseas1
follow on twitter
I would use the webcam to catch my kids singing to a Taylor Swift song.
I would have my kids video conference with their grandparents on Skype.
hanisha (@) bakshani (.) net
I follow you on Twitter as hanishab
hanisha (@) bakshani (.) net
I would say hello to my parents first with my webcam.
my sons father lives an hour away and he doesnt have a web cam on his laptop. this way we can talk online and my son can see him more often…thanx
tweet http://twitter.com/carafferty/status/9576210004
Tweet http://twitter.com/mickeyms6/status/9580827086
My last twitter wish me luck
[email protected]
yea i would probably take some new pics for some profiles..the one i have my skin is so white and i look like michael jackson..lol
joined ms on facebook kathylpease and commented
following you on twitter klp1965
Google Friend klp1965
If I won this webcam, the first thing I would do is surprise my son with it, he's wanted one forever! The second thing I would do is hook it up and let my kids send Grandma a video message 😀
[email protected]
I fanned Mom Select on facebook and left that comment on their wall:
[email protected]
I'm following you via twitter
[email protected]
I tweeted
[email protected]
I am following you publicly via google connect
[email protected]
I left a comment on your Mamavation post about your new shoes and not losing enough weight…
[email protected]
I left a comment on your 'Friendly Hello' post and I was Lucky #21 (I hope!) Thanks for this great giveaway!
[email protected]
I would make a video and post in on you tube. I have always wanted to that and see how many hits I would get..lol
I would make a video call to my college daughter. She's doing an internship in Washington DC this summer and we've talked about keeping in touch with a webcam! Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
Follower (pamelashockley)
Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
Subscribed to feed. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/electricisland/status/9596299561
for my first call i would tell my mom to get on messenger so that i could turn on the cam. i think it's neat that it has a built in mic, very handy i say!! thanks!
follow on twitter as doozercries!
i tweeted:
2/24 daily tweet
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I would visit with my sister in Canada.
I would stay up late/get up early to video chat with my friends from germany 🙂
[email protected]
I would make a video to send to my in-laws.
I'm following your blog in Google Friend Connect.
I'm following you on Twitter (I'm @ThriftyJinxy).
I would webcam my girls when they are supposed to be sleeping and are upstairs playing
following you on twiitter kerrisixtynine
I would use it to reconnect with my students who have moved back to their countries
Diane Baum
[email protected]
I'd give it to my daughter. (Don't worry, she's over21.) [email protected]
I would use it to talk to/see family members who are serving overseas.
I would make a video of my granddaughter's birthday party. [email protected]
I would skype with my grandmother who raised me, but lives across the country from me now.
I follow on twitter (@chicagoaudra)
tweeted http://twitter.com/chicagoaudra/status/9609887701
Chat with family 🙂
I would use it to talk to my family in another state.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
follow on twitter.(donnak4)
[email protected]
I would use it to communicate with my friends on the west coast
facebook fan momselect and commented
rich hicks
follow on twitter
have main button
follow google friend
subscribe to you via email
have beth button
I would first make a video for my friend with the webcam.
I became a fan of MomSelect on Facebook and left the requested comment on their wall.
I'd take pictures of my grandson 2 send 2 family members