What does it mean to be Little Citizens of the World? The Tea Collection, a children’s clothing line, recently asked that question.
My kids are all three and under so it is hard for them to understand they are just one piece of this great world that we live in. I did have the chance this week to try to let my oldest start to understand this though.
Gracie loves the moon. At about age two, she fell in love with seeing the moon and stars at night. At night she looks for the moon so she can say “goodnight, moon” to the moon. If we are out late and she sees the moon in the sky she will loudly proclaim “hi, moon”. It warms my heart.
Earlier this week, she came up to me in the middle of the day and asked “Where are the moon and the stars?” I told her it was day time and they come at night time. She didn’t like answer so I started thinking about how else to explain this to her. We are working on our girls with sharing. So I told her that the kids on the other side of the world had the moon and the stars right then and it was their turn with the moon and stars. She looked at me and said “Other kids turn with moon and stars?” I told her yes that when they are done with the moon and stars that she would get her turn that night. She looked at me and said “OK“. Later that day, she came back to me and said “Other kids still have turn with moon and stars. Gracie turn later.” All I could do was smile at her and tell her she is right.
So even at three, a little one can start to understand they are part of a big picture and we share everything we are given here. Be it our resources, our energy, our discoveries, or even the moon and the stars!
So the next time you see the moon and stars, remember it is your turn with them and that you will soon have to share them with the other kids for their turn!
What a beautiful post!