Do you live GREEN? Or try to live GREEN? Do you have a GREEN blog? Do you have a GREEN product you love?
Tell me about your tips, products, and sources for being GREEN.
I have several reviews with giveaways coming up that are very GREEN in nature. I have had a few GREEN tips floating around in my head for a few weeks now so I will saving them for this mini-theme.
My goal is convince you that you can make some practical, affordable changes to GREEN your life. Yes, I said practical and affordable so keep your eyes peeled for these posts!
Leave me a comment or drop me an email at simplybudgeted at gmail dot com with your tips, blog links, brands, pitches, or any other thoughts on this topic! I hope to hear from some of you on this to help make this mini-theme maybe even bigger!
Hi..I love living simple and green.. One of my easiest and most affordable green tip is to make my own household cleaners, using basic vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, lime and salt. There are different proportions I mix them in for different purposes, but they clean and disinfect just as well, are chemical-free and are cheap too:-)
hum…I relaly like vintage…its something that you can buy…it has such a sweet history behind it…someone loved it long time ago and you are recycling something..I love it. There is so much charm in old things@!
If you would like come check out my blog and enter my current giveaway at
I hope you decided to follow me because I try to bring my readers a new and AMAZING giveaway every Monday!
Just wanted to encourage you to checkout the giveaway on my blog right now; I just made the switch to paperless towels!
Tip from Twitter follower …
RT @Eva_Marie_: @simplybudgeted When I boil water in the micro, I wipe it out after with a clean towel. The steam loosens everything and no more chemicals!
Best green tip- compost! Save your kitchen waste (no animal fats/products) and use them in the compost pile. You will be saving landfill space as well as creating valuable soil for plants/garden/yard. Plus it's FREE!
Love Eva's tip- thats a great one too!
Tip from Twitter follower …
RT @mck1245: @simplybudgeted Here's a green tip: order a Vapur online.
I am not sure if this will be useful to you, but I frequently use this website (blog) that has a lot of useful info and links for green living.
The link below shows how one family built an amazing house and green life.
I am in the process of looking at going at off the grid, but my house will not be to that extreme:)
This blog article from Simply Budgeted explores eco-friendly tips, offering practical advice for incorporating sustainability into everyday life. Reflecting on my own journey towards living more sustainably, I appreciate the diverse range of green tips presented here, which are accessible and easy to implement. The article’s emphasis on environmental consciousness and its actionable suggestions make it a valuable resource for individuals seeking to reduce their ecological footprint.